
Full name: Elizabeth Kiera Hayes.
Nicknames: Liz, Lizzie, Beth, Tink(by her mother).
Age: 22.
Sexuality: bisexual, with a strong male lean.
Status: single.
Occupation: model, helping out her step mother with her bakery

Elizabeth is very sweet and bubbly, she’s very loving and welcoming but she holds onto a dark secret, a secret that could drive just anyone away from her. Elizabeth is adopted, and has a brother far away from her, out of the country- all the way in England, the UK. She was born there, mainly remembers Australia, or maybe that’s all she wants to remember. She’s still in touch with her brother, they often visit each other, but that would make it only once to twice a year- sometimes more if they’re lucky. She’s very confident, she always feels like she lights up a room when she walks into one, but rarely would try to make new friends, meet new people. Somehow still, it was easy for her to make friends.

Elizabeth and Ethan were both very problematic as children, especially after losing their mother. Elizabeth used to run away, and disappear for days on end, still to these days, nobody from her family know where she’d go- other than Ethan, her brother, of course- who often joined in. The reality was- the streets were nicer than her father, so they preferred living there with all the new friends they made. Then they were sent far away, to a foster home and the decision was made; they dragged each other down, so it would be best if they were separated. Their aunt got to keep one, and Ethan was lucky enough to be chosen. It wasn’t even by her aunt, however, so she never held that against her. She was taken into another family, who lived far away from her own- and eventually moved to Australia. She now has a step sister, named Ruby, which she loves just as much as she loves her brother. She’s now nothing like the child and teenager she used to be, thanks to her adoptive family.
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7 | Mar 13th 2024 02:39