A try

She is on her own, after a while. She has to deal with it alone, achieving something useful too to not disappoint. She is very unsure what to do but for now, she wanders around the palace, pretending to be lost. She eventually approaches your character with an excuse. "Excuse me...do you know where I can leave an offering to Rex Lapis?" She has been careful what she heard in the streets and their God is definitely a popular topic.
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1 | Mar 4th 2024 16:58
BOOM "Why did you leave the world, if I may..?" She is interested, finding everything about Xianyun fascinating, even if she is always hesitant.
"...but you..." She shakes her head slightly. "Most men are not worth it. They can be lowly..." Who knows who taught her that. XD
"Huh?" She has a moment of stun at her proposal. "I...can't go to school, I have to work..."
CloudRetainer «That is not a story one fancies reminiscing about. Maybe some other time…» That's quite too personal for her, since it involves her feelings.
«That is a bit too generalistic, again. One would not say "most men", but "some men". Although one has not met any such men so far.» Even if the old fossils get on her nerves, she knows they are good. Except maybe Mountain Shaper, that gallinaccio is clearly psychopath.
«Work? One is not yet sure how the school is organised, but it may be possible to achieve both. It would be a shame if people who have to work are deprived of the right to learn…»
BOOM "Of course...I understand. I have gotten into your business even too much." She looks away.
"Are you sure of it? I...I have trust for one man only." It is not even that true but she is afraid to say the opposite, regardless he would never know.
"If I can start making a honest living, it'll be more than enough for me. I...don't mind school but I have my priorities."
CloudRetainer «One has hardly met any men who would cause one such a drastic view on their entire kind.» Maybe some evil god during the Archons War, at most.
«One understands your point, but one still finds it a little unfair…»
BOOM She has a shiver while lost in her thoughts on the matter. "It's the way I feel, it can't be helped..." She looks away.
"What else could I do..?" She looks at Xianyun, wondering if she is actually going to lend a hand. That would shock her, no pretending.