Caileth Tuthrill

Caileth was well known in the kingdom of Fanagroth. Which was known as ‘The Kingdom In The Trees’ as it was built high within the large trees- safe off the ground and at a better advantage point if the kingdom was ever under attack. It was ruled over by King Astrayh and Queen Lilrath. Together they had a son - Elmaer.

Caileth was Elmaer’s best friend and she was always seen by his side. She often went out on hunts and was known to go into battle for her king. She was a skilled archer and as she had a good knowledge of healing, she was valued. Her knowledge of healings was knowledge that she had gotten from her mother who was the kingdom’s best out of a whole squad of healers and was often in the castle healing members of the royal family or any staff that took unwell.
Caileth’s father was the head of the King’s Guard, so her family was truly popular within the kingdom.

Caileth was an honest person and was often described as cold and tough, but truly she was a huge softy. She only showed that side to those she was closest too. She loved a drink and a dance in the tavern after a long day, and she was capable of having a good time. She loved animals, especially her beloved horse.

There had been rumours within the kingdom that the prince and Caileth were romantically involved. It was not true however. She was just a commoner. It was not allowed. She had her own relations though, and had spent a night with a lucky fellow in a rented room or a roll about in the hay with the stable boy.

Species: Wood Elf
Gender: female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 136 (but still looks like she’s in her twenties and is still classed as a child)
Sexuality: Straight
Role: switch (sub lean)
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4 | Feb 24th 2024 06:20