♬ rules ♬

① I do not tolerate godmoding, as it is unfair and quite annoying. I have my respective character/s, and you have yours. Please let’s keep it that!

② Give me time to respond, as I will to you. We all have lives and can’t always expect a respond every hour, right? So don’t be pushy for a reply, if it’s taken me a while. If something urgent happens, I will inform you that I will be away for a while, first thing. And I hope you do the same; that way we won’t be waiting for a reply that won’t arrive in its usual timing.

③ NSFW is fine with me, under two conditions; one- obviously you must be older than 18, otherwise I will not do NSFW roleplays with you. And two- there must be build up between characters. Let me just say though, that I will NOT do an ero only roleplay; so do not even try to message me, if that’s all you’re here for.

④ If, and when talking out of roleplay, please use signs such as // or )), in order to avoid confusion when communicating

⑤ If I friend you, I will message you first. But if you friend me, I’ll expect you to message me instead- otherwise I will assume that you’re no longer interested, and will have to remove you from my friends’ list.

⑥ Please do not friend me if you have no interest in roleplaying with me.

⑦ If there’s AUs you’d like to try out, please do let me know! I’d be more than willing, to hear your ideas and see where they may take us. Also if you read all the way down the rules tell me how many horns my pfp has.

⑧ I can handle several characters, and will add them if needed for the roleplay to move forward. If you can do the same and would like to do so, please do let me know!

⑨ I do not oneline. I find it extremely hard to get the plot going anywhere with a single line, and will just run out of patience. So please, at the bare minimum, write out a paragraph! If you write longer than that, even better! I will usually try to match my partner’s writing length.

⑩ I am okay with you using OCs, or canon characters. I don't mind either, but if it's an OC; please do send me some information about them, so I can get to know them a little~!


I’m sorry if my rules sounds strict!
I’ve been roleplaying for years, and I’ve had all sorts of experiences, that ended up with me having to make these rules. But I can assure you that I’m not a mean or uptight person~!

I like to think that I’m friendly, so I’m always down for a conversation outside of roleplay, if you’re willing~!


Let me point out- I absolutely love dark topics.

Let me also point out, I’ve never been good at NSFW, so please be patient with me~!

I’d be more than happy if you initiated it, since I’m really bad at doing so, and find it easier to follow instead.
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49 | Feb 20th 2024 18:21