My "The Elder Scrolls" setting

*Possible starting years for the roleplay:
- 4E206-4E210 (End of the Civil War. More of a grim and sad setting, aimed at depicting the devastation caused by the Stormcloak Revolution and the process of rebuilding the province of Skyrim)
- 4E210-4E216 (Years before the next great conflict eurupted in Tamriel. More bloodthirsty and vengeful setting, aimed at depicting the Empire and the Third Aldmeri Dominion fighting their last titanic war.)

The year is 4E216. The last great conflict was caused by a nordic revolution in Skyrim, and was finished ten years ago. The delicate and uneasy peace that the people of the continent enjoy will not last for much longer, and soon enough, great Tamriel will once again shudder with war.

The Empire, with blood, sweat and tears, snuffed out the Stormcloak Revolution in the year of 4E206. The five years long conflict made the provinces of the Empire even weaker than before, and to remedy that, the imperials have been desperately trying to bolster their ranks. Through diplomatic efforts, masterful espionage and counter espionage, and especially with some propaganda, they managed to significantly increase the number of able bodied professional soldiers, mostly without the Thalmor noticing... not until it was too late, anyways. The Aldmeri Dominion had to defend their homeland from invaders unknown to the Empire, which caused the unrelenting grasp of the Thalmor to weaken, allowing the races of men to break free from it. As of year 4E216, many legions are properly trained and battle ready, various of them consisting entirely of Nords and Bretons, marked by their unique characteristics and battle tactics. Fairly confident that they could endure and possibly win the war that they've been dreading, the men and women of the Empire started openly worshipping Talos once again, and there was nothing the Thalmor agents could do, as they were actively being silenced, be that by spies or angry locals.

The Third Aldmeri Dominion, even while the Stormcloak Revolution was happening, was still in a weakened state, unbeknownst to their old enemy. Their effort to rebuild swiftly in order to finish off the Empire was halted time and time again, due to Maormer and Sload raids into Summerset. Once these foes had been repelled, the revolution that the White Gold Concordat brewed in Skyrim was already over, and the Empire was already rebuilding. With the balance of power slowly starting to hang between the two opposing factions, the Aldmeri Dominion had to heavily focus on strengthening their military, investing large quantities of money into it in order to train powerful battle mages and disciplined soldiers, as well as rebuilding their ruined fleet. As of year 4E216, the balance of power is in their favor... barely. To consider the Empire a beaten enemy waiting for execution was an arrogant and careless move. The once certain victory in the supposed follow up conflict grew more distant by the day. The elves, arrogant as they were, still confidently believed they would emerge victorious, but there was this dreaded feeling that they couldn't shake off... victory was no longer guaranteed. The Third Aldmeri Dominion is still quite powerful, however. Their mages are the finest in Tamriel, and while their infantry is somewhat subpar, one shouldn't underestimate the zeal and fanaticism of altmer megalomania. With the khajiit mixed into their frontline and the bosmer darkening the sky with arrows, the Dominion war machine is a force not to be trifled with.

Dragon sightings have slowly diminished, but every once in a while, they are spotted by the citizens of Tamriel, especially in Skyrim. Ever thirsty vampires lurk in the shadows, and while a strong blow was dealt to them when Lord Harkon was eliminated, they are still trying to re-gain their strength. Mercenary companies are in an all times high, due to the high demand for soldiers, and fight against one another more often than not, creating instability and chaos. Diplomatic difficulties with Hammerfell may foil the plan for an alliance between the now free state of Redguards and the Empire. The threat of more Maormer and Sload invasions is ever present. Citizens of the states belonging to the Aldmeri Dominion are starting to question the intense repression that they suffer and the belief of altmer supremacy by their high elven overlords. With both sides in a somewhat unstable state, the war to come will prove to be quite bloody. The fate of Tamriel hangs in the balance.

(I purposefully left Morrowind and the Dunmer, as well as the argonians, out. I admittedly don't know too much about their lore besides the fact they hate one another. If you are a Dunmer or Argonian enthusiast and would like to play one in our Roleplay, I'll be more than happy to hear you out and learn more about the lore through you!)
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1 | Feb 18th 2024 00:37