°•London's Cannibal•°

Name: Cecilia Mei
Age: Died at 25
POB: London
POR: Cannibal Town, Pride Ring
Crime(s): Cannibalism, Murder and Witch-Craft
Type: Sinner, Wolf Demon.


•~ Cecilia was born in 1867 and died 1883 after being hunted and beheaded by the law for her crimes against the crown and the city of London, being second to Jack the Ripper (Kinda want her to BE Jack the Ripper)

•~ Cecilia in Bilingual and speaks French and English.(I will at the translation*s* at the end of my replies)

•~ Cecilia has killed roughly 50+ people in her human life, and many more in Hell that she's lost count of the people she's killed, she lives in Cannibal Town and is friends with Rosie, she love's to gossip and have tea and pinkies with the Cannibal Overlord, finding her company enjoyable and comfortable.

•~ When Cecilia was alive, she was married off to a very wealthy man, she had finally got pregnant at 19, however, her 'husband' didn't want a child, so he left her, she gave birth to her daughter when she was 20, however her daughter was killed when a group of men broke into her home, her daughter was only 5months old at the time.

(I can write her crimes out in detail during roleplays before she goes to hell if it doesn't make ya'll uncomfortable)


The year was 1883, During the rein of Queen Victoria there were many killers during her time, but only two were the most rememberable, Jack the Ripper.. and The London Cannibal.. Cecilia Mei.. The women who killed Men and Women alike, leaving the feet, privates and empty skulls of her victims, every time, with out fail she had escaped without a trace.

That was, until she got caught in the act, sloppy really.. you skip ONE little detail and your plan goes 'belly-up'.. .. .. *RUN*.. .. .. That's all she could do, panic rushing through her body at the thought of finally being caught.. funny, she was ruthless she ATE people for a living! and here she was, running for her life from the law who were hot on her trail, she could here their dog barking behind her, snapping at her feet and dress as she run through the woods.. through her domain of terror.

Jumping over bear traps and floor traps, she did her best to dodge her own little maze she'd made for her victims but only a few men and women had fallen for this trap.. now it seems to be working against her, Snapping at the skirt of her dress and just missing her feet by a hair she brought into a clearing.. she was surrounded by the law with in moments, standing amongst the grass laid bones and paint, a symbol drawn into the grown below her feet.

The cocking of guns filling her ears as policemen step out from the dense tree-line, guns pointed at her vitals as she freezes in her spot, heart pounding and her mind a buzz.


"You are to be executed by that of Be-Heading!" yell's the judge, the crowd cheers, clapping as they bring the killer forward, her dark hair hangs over her face as they drag her towards her death. Cecilia's head in put into the brace of the device, her hair being pushed out of the way for a clean cut, her hands are tied behind her back and her face show's nothing but a smirk.. she'd comes to term with her fate.

As the crowd goes silent she lets out a small laugh.. it gets louder and LOUDER as the seconds pass, until a *click* is heard and the quick drop of wood against wood comes to a stop with a *bag*.. .. *thud*.. ..

Her eye's snap open, her neck burned as she looked around, her hands rub at her neck, only to feel ruffles from a choker, she pulls her hand from neck and stares at her skin, a deathly pale grey tone meets her eyes, before she takes in her surroundings, the twitching of a tail could be seen at the mass of dead sinners could be seen in front of her, as a bright portal closes in the skin.

She was in Hell.. it seems she arrived just after a very big event.. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad?.
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1 | Feb 4th 2024 10:46