Xero Kratos

Xero Kratos, an experimented SCP also in the hellsing organization, each full moon he must be fought, he's blinded, chained, slashed what looks like he'd be dead, but the vampire never really dies unless their is no blood or corpses around, otherwise it'll be too difficult to kill, his eyes are unknown in the fight but when he's normal they are pure white with no pupil yet can see you, his battle theme is drag you down by finger eleven. His weapons, the chains and himself, besides usage of guns an melee if offered any. His height is 6,6 and Weight is 666 lbs yet is really fit an looks 240 lbs. His hair his long an black, his mouth when fighting exposes his jagged teeth as his SCP number is 0 being the first ex Navyseal they had imprisoned him for, he can summon other creatures out of his body such as Evil with in creatures. His partner is Lilbellz as they had met at an SCP facility while she was eating, he'd appear out of the corpse, together they planned on killing almost all of the population, however they will let them repopulate just to continue the reign of terror, Xero loves the fighting cause it was so pathetic to defend yourself from the inevitable death.

Death: No bodies, no blood, period.
How to revive: Blood (even the smallest drop and hell reanimate) corpses are the same and Satan rituals.
Partner he took in as even a daughter for this.:Lilbellz
He feeds her his arm as he can regenerate if not damaged to baddly.
Powers: He can kill you to turn you to a ghoul.
Blood scythe, a devastating sweep of the area clear weapon technique.
Blood sphere: A fatality. Making you turn to a ball an explode.
The parasite removal: Fatality. Biting into you infecting you with three parasites an then taking s bold action rifle firing at all three thdn your skull and your upper torso explodes leaving your lower half behind and keeping your skull for the treasury.
Chain: A grapple tactic.
Bleeder: A puke of blood summoning hands of his messenger whom will grab you and instantly kill you if your near death, considered a brutality.
Verses this character is good for?
Mortal Kombat, Any Horror, Romance but only with another horror or creepypasts character, hell just kill the other after he gets what he wants.
Last power : Speed crawl. Xenomorph tactic.
Appearance: Just blue jeans, sometimes white cause he loves thd enemies blood to show. (mostly for mortal combat.)
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1 | May 20th 2016 07:10