
Now that he cooled down, he feels pretty sorry and bad for how he spoke to Miko. As he mentioned to Zhongli, he decides to write her a letter, since not even he can ignore Ziqun's rules over the prison and can only meet prisoners in the established days. Ziqun doesn't grant anyone a privileged treatment, he wouldn't not even to Zhongli himself.

| Dear Miko,
I hope this letter doesn't find you too unwell, although I understand that the circumstances are far from pleasant.
I write to you to express my sincere apologies for my harsh words and rough behaviour, the other day. My misbehaviour has no justification. It was never my intention to disregard your feelings. But just as any other person, I too make mistakes and sometimes let my feelings take over my better sense. Old age is not the cure to all recklessness, it seems.
Regardless of our ages and status, we all make mistakes and we admit them, even if we may fail to see the wrong behind them right away.

It truly pains me how things have turned between us all. For how I see it, this situation is only causing grief to both sides and it would be for the best if we could try to at least open up to dialogue. A conversation where we all can share our points of view and feelings on what happened could open our eyes on many details, that we may fail to see, from our own perspectives alone. We are very different people, after all, and that's why speaking of things can be very enlightening and the key to start fixing.

But for now, just think about the matter. You have to take care of yourself and stay strong.
I'll try to come in visit, when Ziqun allows, should my duty not take over my entire time.
Best regards,
— Jing Yuan.

Ps. You don't need to reply to this letter. I just hope that you'll read it and see the sincerity of my words. |
Heart this
1 | Jan 22nd 2024 15:30
Alpha_ She bursts into tears reading the letter, remaining inside her cell all day. She is touched by his move, but also feels a lot of pain for the whole situation.