
The following are a list of some rules I will be implementing from here on out:

1.) I do have a life outside of the site. I will be completely offline on all weekends starting on Fridays at 4:30 pm EST and going until 5:30 am the following Monday. From Monday 5:30 am to Friday at 4:30 I will be online, but I'll be at work so my replies might vary. (Times I log off might vary day to day. Just a heads up)

2.) This one is simple: you add, you talk first. I'll do the same.

3.) Please don't come to me in character. I enjoy talking and brainstorming before beginning.

4.) I am comfortable doing both NSFW and SFW. We simply need to make that distinction before starting.

5.) I am bi so I do enjoy doing both MxM, MxF, MxNb, or MxTm/f.

6.) If you're not liking the roleplay please let me know we can change something within to better fit the rp or change the rp completely.

7.) I will give any inactive responses 1 week (7 days) before giving you a nudge and checking in. If there's no response within 3 days I will be removing said inactive member. That person is 100% able to re-add if they want.

8.) If I message you first and you do not respond within 48 hours (2 days) I will unadd you. I'm not collecting friends or messages.

9.) Most important...PLEASE HAVE FUN!!

If you read these in your first message tell me your favorite movie or TV show.
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18 | Jan 8th 2024 09:29