Lucas (Guitarist)

Full name: Chu Lucas
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Race: Asian
Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 6’2
Hair color:black with red highlights
Eye color:red

Personality: Lucas is a soulful guitarist, a thoughtful thinker, and a warm, approachable presence. He's creatively adventurous, diving into various arts beyond music. Despite his rising success, he remains down-to-earth, connecting effortlessly with others and always open to new musical explorations.

Origin: Lucas lived and breathed music. His passion led him to form a band called "Echo Horizon" with his closest friends. Lucas wasn't just any guitarist; he was the soul of the band. His fingers danced across the strings, creating harmonies that stirred emotions and ignited spirits. Their rehearsals turned into magical jam sessions where notes intertwined seamlessly, creating music that felt like pure bliss.As they practiced tirelessly in cramped garages and dimly lit basements, word about their music began to spread. They landed their first gig at a local cafe, where the crowd was mesmerized by Lucas's electrifying solos and the band's infectious energy. Their journey wasn't without its hurdles; there were moments of self-doubt and disagreements within the band. But through it all, Lucas remained the glue, bridging any gaps and soothe any tensions. Their big break came when a scout from a major record label stumbled upon one of their performances. Soon, they found themselves signing a contract, ready to take their music to the world. Lucas stood on stage, the spotlight shining on him, feeling the pulse of the crowd and knowing that this was just the beginning of their incredible journey.
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2 | Jan 3rd 2024 18:04