Eliza/ princess Isabella

Full name: Eliza Dalton
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Race: white
Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 5’2
Real Hair color: brown
Wig Hair color: peach
Eye color: green

Personality: Eliza, a humble maid with grace and resilience, with her unwavering kindness, fate intertwines her life with Princess Isabella's, her loyalty to the royal family leads her to embrace a daring plan, transforming herself into the princess. Behind the royal facade, Eliza carries a burden, navigating secrecy and sacrifice for the kingdom's sake.

Origin: In a grand kingdom, there lived a humble maid named Eliza. She had been born into a family of lowly means and had always dreamed of a life beyond the boundaries of her station. Eliza possessed a rare beauty, grace, and an indomitable spirit that set her apart from the other maids in the kingdom. Eliza worked tirelessly in the grand palace, attending to her duties with unwavering dedication. Her kind-heartedness and empathetic nature endeared her to the entire royal household, from the lowliest servant to the highest noble. Among those who took notice of Eliza was Princess Isabella, the daughter of the king and queen. Princess Isabella was a beloved figure in the kingdom, known for her intelligence, kindness, and beauty. However, she was also known for her rebellious nature and free-spirited ways. Unfortunately, fate had dealt her a cruel hand, for she fell gravely ill. The court physicians worked tirelessly to find a cure, but their efforts were in vain, and the princess's health continued to deteriorate. In a desperate bid to save her daughter, the queen hatched a plan. She had heard whispers of Eliza's unique qualities and very similar features to their daughter and believed that she held the key to preserving the royal bloodline. The queen approached Eliza with a proposition that would forever change her life. She asked Eliza to assume the identity of the princess, deceiving the kingdom and keeping Isabella's illness a secret. Eliza was initially taken aback by the audacity of the plan, but her unwavering loyalty to the royal family compelled her to accept. Under the cover of darkness, Eliza was tutored in the ways of a princess. She learned etiquette, courtly manners, and even the princess's deepest secrets. It was a daunting task, but Eliza's determination never wavered. As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Eliza's transformation was nothing short of remarkable. She embodied every aspect of the princess, both in appearance and mannerism. The kingdom marveled at the princess's miraculous recovery, praising her newfound wisdom and grace, not knowing the truth of the real princess.

Optional storylines:

1. (Involves more of the real princess) As princess Isabella’s knight, who has been close by her side creating a close bond with her. you become curious on how she was from being very sick to perfectly healthy. You began noticing subtle differences in the princess's behavior, small shifts in mannerisms, a change in speech patterns, one fateful night of curiosity, you explore the kingdom to find a hidden room, as you open the room. There lies the real Isabella, alive but sick. Would you confront the imposter who pretends and let the truth out, or become a part of this secret?

2. During a masked ball at the royal palace, Eliza finds herself irresistibly drawn to a mysterious and enigmatic guest. Their identities hidden behind elegant masks, they share a dance that sparks an instant connection.

3. As Eliza is stepping in for the sick princess their had been an arrangement made of marriage to your oc, the true princess and your oc disliked the marriage and each other, but Eliza had no clue of any of this, will she be able to change your oc’s mind?
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1 | Jan 1st 2024 21:53