↫↫ Rules ↬↬

←|| If you don't respond to a message for 5+ days, I won't hesitate to unfriend you, I don't want to keep a large amount of people in my messages. I'm NOT a friend collector at all. I'm also not going to be adding people with the following ↓↓↓
× 150+ friends - Again. I'm not a friend collector and I'm also not going to just add onto your friend collection. ×
× no profile pictures - self explanatory. ×
× No information on your profile - Again, I'm very selective. If I'm truly not interested I'm not adding. The more details you have the more it sparks my interest. ×

←|| If I don't respond for a few hours, its because I'm busy and or I got distracted. Don't re-message me. Although, if I don't respond for a day or two yet I'm online, it's because I forgot to reply but I still opened the message. You may resend if that happens.

←|| If you want to be friends let me know, but don't be mad or upset if I don't open up and tell you everything. I'm just not that close with you if I don't. Although, if I am close with you, if I'm not willing to talk about everything.. Please don't push it.

←|| Soon I'll make a blog about roleplay rules or interests. Like plots and etc. And later after that I will be posting about characters I have →→ the ones I have posted on my profile.

←|| If you send a one word message, expect the same. If you send 3 words I am also going to do that. But I'm also not going to be writing 6 paragraph messages with 6+ sentences per sentence.
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23 | Dec 30th 2023 00:11