
Just some things to make writing comfortable for me, boundaries if you will, if any of these don't go with what you like, my apologies, have a nice day! ❤

-If you add me, you talk first, and I will do the same!

-A few spelling mistakes happen to the best of us, but please be literate!

-Please keep one-liners away from me, I'm afraid I'm allergic! *cough cough *
Let's try to find a length we can both write in to make the experience fun for us both.

-No nsfw or spicy themes on this account, leave it at the door, thank you! Romance is more than welcome.
>An underpoint I want to make to this is that I am more than happy to work with sensual or lewd characters, I just won't be taking part in ERP/smut. I am asexual, so-

-Strictly M4M account!

-You're kind to me, I'm kind to you!

-Please do not use ** in the roleplay. Just "" for text, ' ' for thoughts, the rest can be left alone.

-3rd person only!

-Don't god over my character! My character has my actions and thoughts, and so does yours! I don't control yours, you don't control mine.

-If something is wrong or doesn't go as you might've planned, tell me! We can figure out how to fix it.

-I understand that others have lives and I do too! But, if you're gone for a couple of weeks with no updates or posts about it, things might get a bit unstable.

-Let's plan together! Yes, sometimes the brain is fried. We can await when one or the other gets some inspiration for a plot or anything of that sort, but don't leave everything to one person.

If you've made it this far, drop a heart so I know you did! Hope to create a lovely story with you! Have a good day :)
Heart this
6 | Dec 28th 2023 03:07