Jadith Blackwell - Black Clover OC (Triggering Con

Jadith was the bastard child of a royal woman and her male escort in the Diamond kingdom (kingdom in Black Clover known for shady ass sh*t.) Not wanting the bastard child to ruin her image, the mother sold her into (triggering content ahead) sex trafficking, not only to get rid of the child but to profit off her as well. Jadith grew up being rented out and raised to please. She was marked with a magical rose tattoo on her back to mark her as a royal escort and a enchanted collar to keep her controlled and to track her. Not being allowed to look into the eyes of any man that wasn't her current owner, speak unless spoken to, or use her magic. She was sometimes rented for long travels and journeys to keep people *entertained.* On one of these journeys, the destination being a black market trade with the clover kingdom for enchanted goods, it was intercepted by the Black Bulls magic knights squad. They saw the state she was in and when defeating the cartel, offered to free her which she gladly accepted. Asta was able to release the spells on the tattoo. During the battle, some of the members of the black bulls were almost injured which spurred her into action. She was able to summon her grimoire for the first time, and found that she had blood magic. After the fight, they offered her a home in the clover kingdom with them. She was scared of trusting them, but she gave it a shot. From there, the team worked on acclimating her to speaking, eye contact, making friends, platonic touch and training her to use her powers. After a year, she took the magic knights exam to attempt to earn a spot with the Black Bulls, having grown very attached to her new friends.
Her spells
Blood bond (reinforcement magic): with the taste of an ally's blood, enhance their current abilities
Death's Kiss (binding magic): with the taste of an enemy's blood, paralyze the target
Dark Angel (creation magic): summon blood to cloak her arms and shoulders, solidify at the finger tips to form claws, and wings at the back to fly
Cursed Weapon (creation magic): Solidify blood into a sword or bow with arrows
Warmth of Blood (healing magic): with the taste of an ally's blood, direct the blood flow in an injured allie's body to guide healing mana to the wounds
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0 | Dec 27th 2023 16:26