OC || Joy Burke

Name: Joy Burke
Gender: Female
Age: 26

Skin Color: Light caramel
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black

Personality: Joy often finds herself in the shadow of most of the people she encounters. She is incredibly lonely, though attempts to make connections with those around her. She is relatively soft spoken, but very attentive. She frequently lets people step over her boundaries, and hardly every speaks up for herself. She longs for a life where she can feel more comfortable in her own skin. Aside from this, she is extremely warm and welcoming to those who are kind to her. She allows anyone to open up to her if needed, but feels as though she cannot do the same.

Backstory: Joy was raised by her single father who was far too busy to spend time with her. She found out later in her life that her father had a second family that he often attended to for weeks on end, leaving Joy by herself. Even further down the line, Joy found herself marrying into a rich family, although her husband would soon remind her of her own father. Living a life where she could have anything she wanted was not enough to help her ignore the fact that her husband never truly, and would never love her as she loves him.

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3 | Dec 16th 2023 23:20