Issac Frost oc

Age 26
Height 6'5
Weight 265LB

Frost is the undefeated world heavyweight champion and also a Olympic gold medalist.
he always enjoyed fighting but also enjoys helping others out in need. he is on a break after his last contract has ended so he can relax and enjoy the real world and meet some new people in the run.

Frost is a nice and easy going guy. he enjoys to exercise, go out to places, meet new people, go out to bars and have a few drinks. he donates to charities and people in need. he tries to give positive feedback to others to help change people's thoughts.
Frost does have a dog that's black and white named Rex. and a nice but simple home. who knows you might be his neighbor.


he can also be used in a mafia scenario. where he can be the mafias fighter bringing them in mass amounts of cash, a protector/guard for a member or group in the mafia, a civilian that got picked to join the mafia etc. lots of things this character can do.

in this scenario he isn't as nice and is more aggressive and up front. he won't help those he don't know and will beat someone's ass I a blink of a eye

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2 | Nov 26th 2023 00:49