Terryals bio

Age: Unknown (looks 25)
Height 6'3
Weight 230LB
Eye color Grey (red if angry blue if happy/at peace)
Hair color Black
Half angel half demon
favorite colors: red and black
can't have kids.

Terryal (reaper) is death and life. he resides your fate and where you will go upon death. He blends in with the humans of earth. whether it be a blacksmith or a traveler he always finds a way to work and blend with a town.
He is a rather respectful person but mostly sticks to himself. he lives by respect, honor and loyalty. but he still has the demon side if provoked.
Terryal does enjoy a few things on the mortal world which includes anything alcoholic, sweet desserts especially chocolate, rare meats and designs but also still finding new things as well.
even though terryal has powers he normally doesn't use them much unless needed (or if he wants to prank someone)
since he wields the divinity of light and darkness he has all the powers of both sides which is too much for the human world and would cause havoc within it which can cause the world's end. Terryal is immortal and cannot be killed. he has fought in every massive war in the other realms and even battles on earth. killing gods who break their oath or those against his creation.

Terryal has his own special weapon which is his scythe. bound to his soul emitting mass power from both worlds if the circumstances are high enough it can be used to take out anything in his way and sucks the life and soul away. it can kill anything and lock them away for eternity.
typically though he will just have a sword or his cane instead.

Terryal horse (Death)(Thanatos) is a black stallion with red mane, tail, hair around its ankles and pale eyes. in his natural form. But in Deaths spirit form all the red becomes flames that emit lots of heat and dangerous to anything around. Death also becomes extremely fast and will burn the ground beneath him. Death is also bound to Terryal and is unkillable.

Victoria, terryals sister. a full demon. she enjoys seeing chaos when it happens at least. vengeance runs through her body and soul. she may pop up time to time to see what's going on. she holds one of the seals as a protector for no danger will occur.

Rex, is his other companion. he is a hellhound. he is very smart and understands people and what they say. he is a massive hound. he is black with white tribal designs around his body. he has long pointed up ears and gray eyes like terryal. terryal adopted Rex and bound him so they stay together. he is very fast and strong. (pretty crazy too)

How will you meet him?
can be summoned, found at a bar, traveling the world, building weaponry, being a trader and other things.

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2 | Nov 25th 2023 22:24