The Dark Warlock

Name:Noah Davis Carney

Nickname:Davis or Noah




Race: human


Family:known to be dead

Friends: Unknown, Robert, and Devon

Physical Description



Hair:a bit of short black hair


Detailed Physical Description: Noah is quite tall, but other than that, he seems to be somewhat fit.

Typical clothing: mostly old robs and capes. Also, there are some charms and chains around his arms, as well as black, darkened boots.

Equipment:a spell book and a knife


Personality/Attitude:very evil, smart, and can be cocky at times.

Skills/Talents: able old and forgotten languages. As well as being able to get others away quick and fast 

Favorites/Likes:killing animals, killing the dead, and other things

Most Hated/Disliked: those getting in his way and making him unable to do his work 

Strengths: Can cast a variety of spells to varying degrees and use magic as well.

Weaknesses: uses more dark magic than light magic or other types of magic.

Fears: losing his power 

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: like to suck the souls of others

Most Instructive, Painful, or Memorable Experience:trading his soul to make himself more powerful

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:none

Powers: Power Absorption,Telekinesis,Clairvoyance,Telepathy,Teleportation,Aerokinesis,Pyrokinesis, Superhuman Strength, Energy Manipulation, and Soul Stealing. 

Backstory: Noah was a good man once. He wanted to get into the art of witchcraft. At first, he became a wedlock for good until he met James Carther, who was a werewolf. They began as friends, with James helping Noah, but one day Noah discovered a book that was banned to use by everyone, but it was too late. As he opened the book, Noah began to want to have more power over his other warlocks and witches. He started slowly making himself more powerful and taking the souls of others to make a deal with the devil himself, as well as selling his soul to not become a demon but a Dark Warlock. He never saw James as Noah tried to destroy more and more of his home to make it into his own realm of order.
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