OC: Akito Kurusu {Present Version} (Updated)

Name: Akito Kurusu.

Aliases: The Lone Wolf, The Man of Mystery, Wanderer, Humanity's Destroyer.

Age: 22

Alignment: Neutral Evil.

Race: Human

Personality: He is really very cold and mysterious. He often keeps things to himself due to his past traumatic events. He can be kind and helpful to the ones he considers to be kind and respectful. However, he wont hesitate to kill those who betray him or cause him pain in any form, since he does not tolerate betrayals at all. He is also misanthropic to the point he wants humanity to be eradicated.

Backstory: Will be revealed in the RP session. So please try to understand his character lore.

Powers/Abilities: Akito is really good at fighting bare handed combat, he can adapt to any of his opponents style and use it to his advantage. He specializes in using spears and sword. He can use magic such as Healing, Light and Dark magic.

Appearance: Refer to the pic below:

Update: I have done changes to the OC. So the Akito you see on this blog is the Present version. Since he is split into two parts i.e. Past and Present.

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10 | Nov 3rd 2023 02:51