
Name: Ekko Azarak-Frost (Zhaohui Li)
Age: 16 (can be portrayed as older)
Height: 5'10
Weight: 145 lbs
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
Skills: Photographic Memory, Bilingual, Ambidextrous, Dangerous hand to hand combatant,Adept level swordsman, experienced judoka. (more will be added as the character develops)
Likes: Music booth soothing and chaotic, Fruit, Fish, Meat, Blossoms, Dogs, pleasing aroma,birds.
Dislikes: Reckless violence, guns, blatant igonrance, people who threaten his mother, forbidden sorcery, bigots, most cats, poisonous snakes.
Abilities: Spiritual Wolf-Demon Physiology; Cosmic Awareness,Empathy,Energy Manipulation and channeling; Absorption, Barriers, Constructs,Blasts; Supernatural Conditioning; Speed,strength,reflexes,healing; Transformation; Wolf form, True Demon form; Flight, Intangibility, Telekinesis, Teleportation,Telepathy.
Limitations: Ekko must channel his essence; ki, mana or ether (spiritual energy) to maintain certain techniques. He must eat and drink in a steady diet in his human form to maintain the abilities of his wolf form though in his white wolf form it is easier for him to fast. Using his True Demon form exhausts his ki rather quickly and cannot be maintained for long periods of time. His true demon form leaves him feral due to his inexperience within the state of mind. There are only a few things he understands in his true demon form and that are those within his bloodline; his mother or father or siblings, and those who are hostile towards him or his kin. In his human form he has Supernatural conditioning and can heal/regenerate but certain traumas will only be healed by transforming into his White Wolf form for certain periods of time.Exhausting his essence will cause him to go into a state of dormancy.
Short Bio: Taken by his father; Asubone Frost at the age of three, Ekko was raised to be a warrior and to bear the burdens of his pack.He was raised to hate humanity and although he does not share his fathers hatred for humanity he has been beaten and outcasted due to his views on humankind and his reluctance to kill humans. He is not familiar with human tradition or technology very well though after his exile and being reunited with his mother, Mei-Li, he has started to heal those wounds inside and become more familiar with human society.
Currently residing in: Beijing, China with his mother
||Crossover Friendly| Please do not ask to play his mother, that is another writing partners character| AU versions available ||
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