
~Basic Information~
First name: Jeanne
Middle name: Cox
Last name: Brown
Race: Black
Age: 24
Sex: Bi
Job: Mafia
Position: Dom
Martial Status: Single
Blood type: -B
Persona: Jeanne exudes an aura of power and dominance that commands respect from her subordinates and strikes fear into the hearts of her enemies. With a razor-sharp intellect and a strategic mindset, she effortlessly navigates the treacherous underworld, always staying one step ahead of law enforcement. Jeanne's magnetic charisma and charm enable her to effortlessly manipulate others, making it nearly impossible for anyone to resist her persuasive tactics. 

Hair: Curly, long, voluminous black hair.
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5'11
Clothes:  Her clothing choices reflect her commanding presence, as she effortlessly dons tailored suits in luxurious fabrics, accentuated by bold pinstripes and subtle hints of gold embellishments. Every detail is meticulously chosen to enhance her aura of sophistication and dominance. From her perfectly fitted fedora to her polished leather shoes, Jeanne's wardrobe epitomizes the epitome of a modern-day mafia queen. 

 Jeanne was born into a world of chaos and power, raised within the ruthless confines of the mafia. Growing up in the heart of organized crime, she quickly learned that survival meant adapting to the cutthroat nature of her surroundings. Jeanne's father, a feared mob boss known for his cunning tactics and iron fist, recognized her potential from an early age. He groomed her to be his successor, instilling in her the values of loyalty, respect, and unwavering determination.

 As Jean grew up around chaos and power, she discovered a few talents of her own. She had a natural knack for negotiation and an uncanny ability to read people, which made her a valuable asset in the family business. With each passing day, Jeanne honed her skills, becoming a force to be reckoned with in the ruthless world of organized crime. 
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4 | Oct 20th 2023 17:32