
~Basic Information~
First name: Sloane
Middle name: Elizabeth
Last name: Thompson
Race: Black/English
Age: 20
Sex: Straight
Day Job: Teacher
Night Job: Vlogger
Position: Bottom
Martial Status: Single
Blood type: +AB
Persona: A dynamic and multifaceted woman who effortlessly balances her day job as a dedicated teacher with her captivating night job as a vlogger As an educator, she exudes warmth and passion, creating an engaging learning environment that leaves a lasting impact on her students. Outside the classroom, Sloane's charismatic personality shines through her vlogs, where she shares insightful perspectives on various topics and connects with her audience in an authentic and relatable way.

Hair: Pink curly
Eyes: Pink
Height: 4'8
Clothes: A teacher by day and a night vlogger by night need a versatile and stylish wardrobe that reflects their dynamic lifestyle. She should opt for comfortable yet professional attire for her teaching job, such as tailored blouses, blazers, and pencil skirts. To showcase her vibrant personality during her vlogging sessions, she can experiment with trendy and eye-catching outfits like statement dresses, jumpsuits, or edgy streetwear. By curating a diverse collection of clothing pieces that cater to both her jobs. 

Growing up Sloane was a unique experience. The neighborhood was filled with diverse cultures and backgrounds, exposing me to a rich tapestry of traditions and perspectives. It fostered a sense of open-mindedness and acceptance that has shaped my worldview to this day. 

Sloane, a passionate and dedicated woman, found her true calling in the world of education. By day, she inspired young minds as a teacher, creating a nurturing and engaging environment for her students to learn and grow. However, as the sun set and the world quieted down, Sloane's creative spirit came alive in a completely different realm—the digital world of vlogging.

Driven by her love for storytelling and connecting with others, Sloane transformed into a charismatic vlogger by night.
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3 | Oct 20th 2023 17:32