
He is a young prostitute in the new brothel in Guyun, he has also served Jing Yuan that evening they went, even if he ended up in Morax's hands in the end.
He hadn't really a choice, he didn't know what else he could do to survive, so when he saw the brothel recruiting, he faked his ID and managed to get hired. The payment is nice and fair, the treatment is good, he thinks it all went good for him.
He works in the evening for most, he is free for the rest of the day and he likes to wander around, especially in the market. He lives in the brothel but he is considering to get himself a place.
He comes across Lani's stand a few times but takes him a few days to convince himself to ask what it is about. Hearing of the products and the discount, he agrees to give his DNA and buys as many contraceptives as he can afford. He prefers to be safe, even if they also monitor their health.
He is eating alone by a stand, when a guy recognizes him and starts to pester him. ''Pretty boy, how much do you want for a blowjob?''
He tries to ignore the man, but the other grabs his wrist. ''Aren't you a prostitute? Go ahead and suck it!''
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1 | Sep 25th 2023 16:01
Voidz «How do you learn how to be cunning? It seems very difficult to me… like something that can not be learnt but that you have to be born with…»
He blinks, totally far away from what LiHao actually means. «Does not slay mean the same as kill?»
He makes a total ass face as the proposal. «Only one kiss? One kiss every day…?»
Dream ''You understand your actions have a consequence, you have to think about them before you act...that's something smart to do for example.
Technically they mean the same thing...but slay sounds better. It is a bit like saying something is cool.
If you want to kiss more than once, you are welcome. I give you consent for every kind of touch.'' He is basically paying Dan Heng to go on dates with him. XD
Voidz «But I can not always know what consequences my actions will have… for example, I did not know that I would be arrested if I climbed over the walls to get inside the palace.» If he had not grown up in a dark cell, he'd definitely be more knowledgeable and wise of the outside world.
«I still do not understand why you are so obsessed with kissing, but if I will get food in return…»
Dream ''Getting arrested is one possibility whenever you do something you should not. Keep that in mind...for the rest, you seem decent, you wouldn't go to pester anyone.
Just know you will get food if you do as I ask. What is your opinion about holding hands? You we don't get lost.'' Exactly the reaason he had in mind. XD
Voidz «But how do I know which are the things that I should.not do? Except when I have a bad idea, I tell it to someone and they tell me that it is that dangerous…» Still a valid method, as long as he tells his ideas to someone before doing it.
«I do not think it is a problem to hold hands… it should be okay, it does not bother me.»