Apha James

Name: James Ray Carter

Nickname: James


Age: 26 years old.

Sexuality: straight

Race: werewolf

Language: English now.

Family: It's unknown due to them abandoning him.

Friends: Zathor Mattter, Trenton Hector, and Chase Phoenix

Physical Description

Height: 5'11 (human) 8'5 (wearwolf form)

Weight: 185 (human) 390 (wearwolf form)

Hair:long and straight dark brown hair

Eyes:one is blue, and the other is gray. (He was able to see out of it still.)

Detailed Physical Description: He has  rew scars across his chest and a craw scar across his right eye.

Typical clothing:mostly a white shirt with a briwn jacket, gray jeans, and white shoes. 


Personality/Attitude:a little rude but can be caring, like doing what needs to be done right.

Skills/Talents: There is not much, but he can make a few good plans and make a base if he wants to. 

Favorites/Likes:those that are in the same or different pack than his

Most Hated/Disliked:the Wedlock and some magical people

Strengths:strong, fast, and much more to do, and willing to help anyone in anyway.


Fears: losing anymote of his kind and beging the last one

Powers: what most werewolves have, but he is 10 times stronger due to his blood line, and he is able to resist most of the weakness for a short time. 

Backstroy: James was a normal man once in his life. At a young age, he was being hunted down by many monster hunters. At his time, his father abandoned him, but his mother did everything to protect him in any way possible, but soon she sacrificed her life to make sure her son had the best possible survival. With him realizing and growing up fast, he begins to survively keep on the land. I met a hunter named Noah. He was studying the art of supernatural magic, but soon a mysterious figure comes along with two other people beside him. The mysterious figure was named The Mystery Man. Soon, things become worse as an evil entity comes in, calling himself the unknown, causing chaos, and twisting his poor friend Noah into doing some horrible acts, turning Noah into a horrifying Warlock and controlling many supernatural and magical elements.
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