
~Basic Information~
First name: Ivy
Middle name: Keyon
Last name: Brown
Race: African America, Egyptian.
Age: 24
Sex: Straight
Job: Criminal
Position: Bottom
Martial Status: Single
Blood type: +Ab
Persona: Alex is a cunning and persuasive criminal, Alex is known for her impeccable planning and execution of high-stakes heists. With a sharp mind and a knack for staying one step ahead of the law, she has successfully evaded capture time and again. Alex's expertise lies in her ability to blend seamlessly into different identities, making it nearly impossible for authorities to track her down. Her calculated moves and strategic thinking have earned her a notorious reputation in the criminal underworld, making her both feared and admired by her peers.

Hair: Wavy black
Eyes: Red
Height: 5'3
Clothes: Steam punk.
Alex was born and raised in the gritty underbelly of bustling Washington, DC. Growing up in poverty, she quickly learned that survival meant embracing a life of crime. With no formal education or guidance, Alex honed her street smarts and mastered the art of deception.

As she delved deeper into the criminal underworld, Alex's audacity and cunning became legendary. Her calculated heists left law enforcement baffled, always staying one step ahead of their pursuit.

However, she always had a soft spot for kids who were on the streets and would often use her ill-gotten gains to provide them with food, shelter, and even educational opportunities. Despite her criminal activities, Alex had deep empathy for those who shared her upbringing and understood the importance of giving them a chance at a better life. She believed that no child should have to resort to crime just to survive, and she made it her mission to offer them a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos of their circumstances.
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2 | Aug 24th 2023 13:10