Michelle Mawby

Hi I’m Michelle mawby

Luna younger sister

Name: Michelle

Age: 25


Occupation: fully time mom , model , nude model, princess

Species: vampire, lowly elf , mermaid , siren

Info: Michelle mom died at young age her dad was abusive in childhood at the of 12 took opportunity to escape with her siblings still on the run lived in Brazil staying at relative an aunty still innocent turning to teenager would result being troublemaker and rebellion until meeting Luna best friend bff going on adventure together looking for job being model full time mom.

Personality: quiet and mysterious, sweet , caring

Hobbies: modelling , cooking , baking , working out at the gym, yoga , travelling around the world, eating , sleeping, watching Netflix .

Sexuality: bi/ lesbian Leans more towards female , lgbt friendly

R/S: single

18 + dark mature real life forbidden romance mafia supernatural horror thriller romance nsfw

Mxf , fxf , fxnb, fxf

Rp ideas:

Bf x mother in law

Step Mom x stepson

Celebrity x fan

Singer x fan

Model x model

Gf x mother in law

Husband x wife

Wife x wife

Bf x gf


Princess x bodyguard

Princess x management

Gym instructor x client

Therapist x patient

Doctor x doctor

Doctor x nurse

Nurse x nurse

Grim Reaper x fallen Angel

Stalker x victim

Date night

Arcades, restaurant, Picnic , swimming , visiting each other homes

// I’m full time mom not always online with my sister , family , friends, work , I appreciate your patience


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3 | Aug 7th 2023 10:52