The White Wolf (Game Of Thrones)

◇Biological Info◇
Full name:Ghost Stark
Occupation: Member of the Nights Watch
Titles/Nicknames: “The white wolf”
Gender: Male

♤Other Info♤
Personality: Smart, Loyal, fearless, reserved (until comfortable) Nobel.

♧Family Info♧
Father:Jon Snow (Adopted)
Mother:Unnamed Direwolf
Siblings: Greywind, Shaggydog, Summer, Nymeria, and Lady

☆Relationship Info☆
Relationship Status:Single
Ship Status: Open

● Species Info●
Species: Direwolf

Abilities:Shape shifting, Enhanced speed, strength, vision, agility, senses (Danger sensing) Elite hand to hand combat.

Born or Bitten and from Who: Born

¤Historical Infor¤
Backstory: Ghost is one of six direwolf pups that are found by the children of House Stark. He is adopted and raised by Jon Snow. Ghost is an albino with white fur and red eyes. Though he was the runt of the litter when he was born, he quickly grew to be as big as the rest of his siblings. When a litter of five direwolf puppies are found by the Starks, Jon convinces his father Eddard Stark to spare the pups. He urges his father to allow his siblings to adopt them, stating that there are five pups for the five trueborn Stark children and the direwolf is the sigil of the Stark house. Shortly after, Jon finds a sixth direwolf pup - an albino wolf. Theon Greyjoy mockingly calls the pup "the runt of the litter" and says this pup belongs to Jon. Jon and the other Stark children adopt the direwolf pups. Jon names his direwolf Ghost.

More to be added.

Extra Info
-His family
-Anyone disloyal to him or his family
FC Name:Henry Cavil
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