Sam (Base, human version)

Name: Samantha [surname redacted]


Height: 5'11

Sex: Female (can be fut4 should you prefer)

Build: slim, fairly athletic

Ethnicity: indeterminate (though fair completion implies at least somewhat northern European)

Personality: Sam is a bit an odd one. Quite extroverted she is quick to introduce herself and get to know people. She has a playful, flirtatious tone in casual situations. She is naturally a rather affectionate person, some might call her a bit "touchy". She also has a tendency to be a bit impulsive, doing things to get herself into trouble for the sake of her own entertainment, inciting violence in the most extreme of circumstances. However when things quiet down and the tone relaxes she can be quite gentle and caring, almost motherly in her demeanor.

((Variations to be be added soon!))
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1 | May 19th 2023 12:04