Felicity Biography

Name: Felicity Palmer

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual with male leaning (Note: I have very little experience with FxF, apologies in advance)

Species: Nekomimi/catgirl

Personality: Bubbly, sweet, kind, assertive, caring, playful and responsible

Appearance: Slender, average height at just a few inches over five feet, peach complexion, long pale pink somewhat wavy hair, pink furred cat ears and a long slender pink furred cat tail, sky blue eyes and a mole under one of them. Typically wears fashionable but comfortable clothes.

Occupation: Lifestyle vlogger and influencer.

Likes: Fashion, cute clothes, coffee, shopping, hanging out with her friends, jogging, bike riding, going out on the town, vlogging, trying out new experiences, her fans, watching movies, taking selfies.

Dislikes: Rude people, getting caught in the rain, 'haters', hangovers, smoking, not being able to check her phone.

Relationship status: Single

Setting: Modern/Modern fantasy
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0 | May 8th 2023 23:13