▎ ▏ ⸙ .ೃ fleurs blanches de jacinthe   ∙∙∙

              ❛bonjour a tous!❜
         “໓o you think the universe fights for souls
         to be          together? Some
       things are too strange and strong to be coincidences.”

        ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ༺ [ Hyacinth♥Ruveaux ] ༻ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

    hyacinth is a 23-year-old florist who found his great passion and only refuge in the café he opened after his second year of college, receiving full support from his loving and understanding mother, sylvia ruveaux (his only parent). << fleur de lune >>, as he calls it, hosts a crowd of different kinds of souls every day; he takes good care of them, surrounding them with harmony and comfort in equal measure, a hot cup of coffee or perhaps a mug of aromatic tea that comes with lavender biscuits or sweet pastries. and for a splash of color and hope, hyacinth has dedicated a special place to floral arrangements that customers can purchase and enjoy at various events or simply while savoring coffee in the presence of a companion or an interesting book.

         <<...je ne me vois pas faire un autre travail.
         pas parce que je ne pouvais pas apprendre
         autre chose. non ce n'est pas ça. c'est juste
      que... je me suis attaché à apporter le bonheur aux gens...>>

    hyacinth lives in france, in a small port city called elden, where everyone knows everyone and rumors travel fast. yet every day he meets new faces at the café, eager to bring a smile to their lips through his work.

    you're probably wondering "what about hyacinth's happiness? who provides it for him, every day?"... well, the truth is that the young man with the sea-blue hair manages to hide his loneliness every day during working hours, he charges with the energy and good mood of his customers, and then, in the evening, he comes home to an empty apartment, greeted from time to time by his cat, hugo, at the entrance, before letting himself embraced by complete solitude. it's been almost four years since hyacinth has let anyone into his life. the last time he allowed himself to fall in love with someone, that boy humiliated him in front of the whole school, breaking his heart and wings at the same time, being called mean things because of his love preference. nowadays, he feels the need to give and receive real affection and love, but he fears it will end as badly as it did when he was just a child with fragile and naive feelings, no matter how much his heart yearns for attachment and the constant presence of a loving person in his life. bits and pieces of him had stopped believing that such a thing really exists.
    but maybe... he would eventually learn to love again. maybe.

         <<...peu importe à quel point je souris tous les
         jours, il y a ces sentiments lourds et constants
         qui se pressent contre mon cœur. ça fait mal....>>

        ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ༺ [ T r a i t s♥F l a w s ] ༻ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

    hyacinth is a very warm person; he's the portrayal of a cozy home where you can't wait to return to. his embraces feel like the softest blanket on a rainy day. his smiles are like a dimly lit scented candle for a nice lecture. his eyes so pure and genuine; you can see your reflection in them so clearly, as if they were made of piece from a mirror. he is a person that can always keep your secrets no matter of you stick together or part ways; it feels like yelling your sorrow into the deep, restless ocean and it will hide them between his waves. for him, honesty feels like both a relief and an acute ache, but he'd rather suffer for telling the truth, than feeding others with sweet lies.
    small gestures make him truly happy. he's never been a materialistic person, because human sentiments are the most valuable for him. you could be the richest man in the world, yet if you're only a walking carcass, so empty on the inside, then your true colors and values ceased to exist, fading into nothingness. therefore, whether it's a small flower placed behind his ear, or a small note with a cute message written on it, hyacinth would love it deeply and droplets of raw honey would drip from his melting heart. he's only a human being after all.
    he may be very emotional sometimes; from crying because he had a bad day and he couldn't fix a not-so-good looking bouquet, to being all sad and teary because he let his cat alone for too long and found him all gloomy by the windowsill. and don't get me started with the short clips with cute animals that fall or bonk their heads. just don't show him that if you don't want to deal with a sad little flower. for a person who dealt with the worst heartbreak of his adolescence, hyacinth gets easily touched by these things, and don't get me started with his collection of romantic novels. reading one of those require a whole box of tissues, same goes for romantic movies.
    what's more, not only his feelings are clumsy, but his actions too, sometimes. maybe he's too sleepy, or he's having a very bad day where everything goes completely out of the usual way. cinth drops a lot of things, he doesn't even have enough (small) fingers to count how many vases he dropped until now, or how many cuts he suffered while preparing the arrangements. do i even have to mention the burning marks from the hot water? oh, god, he's a total kiddo sometimes.
    oh, and don't mention his height. he knows he's a small bean, but he gets teased about it a lot by his colleagues; they're all taller than him, which kind of frustrates him to the point of 'hmph'-ing all the time.
    take it as a good trait, or consider it a flaw, it's up to you; hyacinth avoids conflicts of any kind. he's a very peaceful soul, which means fighting and arguing does him no good. he'd rather try his best treating the problems with softness and a lot of affection, rather than using his words as a sword. they were never a weapon in the first place. for a person with a vibrant smile and colorful laughter, his words were nothing but rose and tulip petals.

        ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ༺ [ O t h e r♥Details ] ༻ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

            ⊙ scorpio ☽ gemini ↑ virgo
        hyacinth's zodiac chart appeares to be like:

        ᴀᴄ ASCENDANT         VIRGO
        ♂ MARS            LIBRA
        ☿ MERCURY  ☉ SUN   SCORPIO
        ♀ VENUS        CAPRICORN
        ♇ PLUTO        SAGITTARIUS
        ♄ SATURN          TAURUS
        ☽ MOON   ♃ JUPITER    GEMINI

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4 | Apr 22nd 2023 05:32