
~Basic Information~
First name: Sun
Middle name: Nox
Last name: Moon
Sex: Straight
Job: Duchess
Species: Human
Position: Bottom
Persona: She enjoys sleeping a lot and can be naïve and sensitive when she wants to be. However, when it comes to her kingdom's financial issues, she takes things seriously. She was made a duchess because she loves money and wants to help her sister, the queen, manage the money and direct it to the right places so they may expand their empire.
Martial status: Single

Hair: Wavy brown
Eyes: Yellow
Height: 5'3
Blood type: AB positive
Clothing: As a Duchess residing in Egypt, it is essential to dress in regal attire that reflects both your status and the vibrant culture of the region. Opt for a flowing gown made from luxurious fabrics such as silk or satin, adorned with intricate embroidery inspired by ancient Egyptian motifs. Enhance your ensemble with opulent accessories like a bejeweled headdress or an ornate collar necklace, symbolizing your royal lineage. Remember to incorporate vibrant colors reminiscent of the Egyptian sunsets.

Sun is the second child of the royal family. Being the second born, she wasn't treated fairly by the maids and would receive harsh complaints about how she was a mistaken child. This caused her to be a hermit most of her life, but her sister Diana and her mother both reassured her that she was a blessing to them and that her father was a good man. Sun stopped being a shut-in and began attending events, standing up for herself, and even managing money, which most noble daughters couldn't do.
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7 | Nov 24th 2022 11:01