Carlo | OC


First Name : Carlo
Last name : Anderson
Race : Black, African American
Age : 18 - 24
Job : Unknown
Sex : Bisexual
Position : Switch
Species : Human / Vampire
Extra : He’s Italian. Mix of a British accent along with his Italian accent.


Hair : Quite long, Mostly known to cut it or dye it. Natural hair color is black, straight hair and it’s very silky. Sometimes he curls it, just sometimes.
Eyes : Black eyes, Very shiny ones. They have a lot of sparkle in them which brings much attention since they are so pretty.
Height : He’s 5’8
Facial Features : He has a few scars on his face/body, he has a nose ring. It fits him, a lot.
Clothing : Suits, Jeans, Plain Colored Shirts. Black jacket being worn a lot. Same with jeans.
Extra : He has long fingers, long-ish finger nails. A muscular body.


BACKSTORY : Carlo was born into a rough childhood, his father was nothing but abusive and after awhile it got worse. When Carlo was around 5-6 Years old. He had to go to a funeral for his mothers death, there he was left alone with his father. He was always beaten badly and taught to do stuff perfectly, which led him to being completely matured at age 8. He tends to be scared a lot because of the past stuff. Though, he knows how to fight back. When he got older, things just got worse. By 16 he was depressed,, he got over it after awhile. Continuing on with life, he’s fine now. Just not always “The best”

PERSONALITY : Carlo is not mean at all. Overall he’s very nice, though it’s not as if he had any friends to know that about him. When he warms up to you he’s very nice, he’s a bit flirty also. Carlo always liked watching people speak and be happy, he only had 1 friend. She’s gone now. Carlo is a fun person to be around. There’s times where he may seem very rude though, that’s only if he’s frustrated.
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3 | Oct 27th 2022 10:42