The Blackest Cat

Name: Salem Samuel Saberhagen

Nickname:"The Blackest Cat" "Ultimate Familiar" "SocioCat"


Age Appearance: 22

Birthday: October 13th 1473

Height:6'2, 9.8in (as a cat)

Weight:175lbs 20lbs (as a cat)

Hair Color: Dark Brown, Black fur (as a cat)

Eye Color:Blue, Green (as a cat)

Species: Warlock (Familiar)

Sexuality:He's a sociopath.. I don't think he...Fxck it Pansexual

Relationship Status: Single

Abilities: Shap Shifting, SpellCraft, Telekinetic, Pyrokinetic, time traveling, ect.

Verse: CAOS, SPN, TVD, (Crossover Friendly)

Backstory: Salem Samuel Saberhagen was born in Salem Massachusetts to Mr and Mrs. Saberhagen on October 13th 1473. He is an only child and was born a warlock, a powerful one at that, he was always kind as a child, when he grew into an adult at the age of twenty two he lost his family after coming home only to find his parents, grandmother and bride to be slaughtered by witch hunters, in which he got revenge on by using his magic to turn the towns people against each other causing innocent humans to be accused as witches and having them burned or hanged for their "Crimes". Eventually causing what we know today as "The Salem Witch Trials", After pulling off such a horrible act he deiced to take matters into his own hands and began slaughtering witch hunters around the state, which lead to him wanting to take over the world but unlucky for Salem he was caught and was sentence to a hundred years as a cat although in his years as a feline he still practiced his craft and even developed the ability to shape shift. Due to pain, suffering and trauma Salem went through he decided to cut off every single bit of humanity he had left within him, leaving him cold heartless and emotionless. Salem is now said to be selfish and power hungry. He schemes a lot in order to get his way, take over the world, or just to simply cause trouble or to spy on Sabrina when he feels that she's in a place she has no business being. However, deep deep buried under all the hurt and pain Salem also has a big heart and a soft side that he only shows to Sabrina and the Spellman Family. (Hilda, Zelda and Ambrose) who he appears to "love" very dearly. Additionally, he is very Stand offish and reserved As he prefers to stay to himself rather than interact with other people. As he doesn't do well with displaying emotions. Salem has a habit of using a high pitched, sarcastic voice or a low-toned voice when talking about something humorous and often purposely places emphasis on the wrong syllable when saying certain words or names. He also sometimes switches the "a" and the "y" in words that end in "ay," such as wanting to rename Friday to "Fridya!" He also frequently uses the phrase "geh?!" when Sarcastically surprised. One thing about Salem is that he NEVER reveals his human form to anyone outside of the Spellman Family even though his punishment as a cat is over he still prefers to stay in his feline form just from getting use to the thought, If asked to reveal his human form he will refuse and although his lips don't move he's able to speak telepathically. He became the familiar of Sabrina after he heard her call in the woods that she needed someone to guide her and have her back of sorts.Many years later after Sabrina had become a full witch, Salem set off to find his long lost daughter Sarayna, a baby girl he had with his bride to be all those years ago, after a lot of hunting and searching he finally found her in a Wiccan shop that was located in New Orleans, after tracking the girl down he broke the news to her filling a missing piece that both Saberhagens had been missing, Salem is currently living in New Orleans with his daughter. who he has formed a awkward but yet solid relationship with.
Quotes: "Just because I understand you doesn't mean I care"

"Dogs guard, Cats just sit back and judge"

"Incase you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a sociopath but it's okay I like being a sociopath, I'm not worried about feeling things like guilt or love"

"Don't you touch a single hair on that innocent golden head!"

"Don't touch! my daughter"

"Emotions? I'm all out of those.. they died when my family died and that was over five hundred years ago"

"I heard you calling in the woods... and I came"

"You think witch hunters started the Salem Witch Trials?.. Tell me you're not that stupid, look at the name the /Salem/ witch trials"

"For years my only obligation was Sabrina but I see that's changed"

"Ugh! you're just like your look like her too, but with my eyes"

Theme Song: "Can you feel my heart?" by Bring Me The Horizon

Face Claim: Chris Wood
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