The Voodoo Doll

Name:Tremé Gerard Lafayette

Nick Name:”Voodoo Doll”

Name Pronunciation:(Trim-may)


Age Appearance:27

Birthday:May 1st 1806



Hair Color:Black

Eye Color:Brown

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship Status: Single

Species:Witch (Human)

Powers/Abilities: Immortality, Telekinesis,Levitation,Pyrokinesis Divination, Evil Sensing, Magic Sensing ,Transmutation
Illusion Manipulation Voodoo Spellcraft, voodoo boundary spell

Verse: Any

Quotes: “Personally I don’t care what you think and or say I’m my own person”

“Uhh I think the fxck not who the hell nominated me for baby sitter”

“I’m all voodoo boo, get the picture?”

“Sir, I’ have the power to turn your insides into putting with a flick of the wrist please don’t test me”

Short Back Story: Tremé Gerard Lafayette was born May 1st,1806 to Odessa Lafayette, better known as (Momma Odie) and an unnamed man. Like his brother he was homeschooled and taught everything he knows from his mother, magically and educationally. Growing up Tremé showed early on that he was very powerful, going out with his brother and playing magical tricks on people, harmless pranks nothing too serious as he didn’t want to get in trouble. As he grew older Tremé formed a type of arrogance about him, he knew how powerful he was and he’d flaunt it almost any opportunity he got, He didn’t really display what he was truly made of until he a young adult around the age of twenty one, where he entered a bar and found himself in a altercation with three fair skinned men and together they assaulted Tremé but of course he wasn’t going to take that lying down. About thirty minutes after the assault he went home to gather some things before performing the “War Cry” ritual ultimately making the three men kill one another. Satisfied with what he did he went on about his way and continued to live his life. He currently still resides in New Orleans where he lives in a home with his mother and brother, he could be found running the running the shop with his brother or working in the Bex bar in the French quarter. If you were to approach him he’s kind to anyone and everyone he meets but if you try to come for him, or his family let alone challenge him to a fight of any kind, he’s certain to win.

Face Claim:Charles Michael Davis
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