The Mambo of Voodoo

Name:Odessa Aniyah Lafayette

Nick Name:”Momma Odie” (Prefered)


Age Appearance:40

Birthday:June 15th 1677



Hair color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Relationship Status:Single

Sexuality: Straight

Species:Witch (Human)

Occupation:Voodoo Priestess, Cook, Councilor

Abilities: Immortality, Telekinesis,Levitation,Pyrokinesis
Divination, Evil Sensing, Magic Sensing ,Transmutation
Illusion Manipulation,War Cry, Voodoo Spellcraft, voodoo boundary spell (Only to name a few)


Quotes:”She needed da help of uh powerful Voodoo Queen!”

“Out wit da trash!”

“Sweethawt you uh dymind don’t let no body tell you different”

“You know exactly who I am and Wut im capable of witch”

“Com on in chile! And shut da doe you lettin awl da air out”

Back Story: Odessa Aniyah Lafayette, also known as “Momma Odie” was born to two slaves who were brought in from Haiti on a slave trade ship. Born and raised a slave until the age of 21 when she activated her abilities and killed her captors after they killed her parents right in front of her. She didn't have time to really process her grief though before she was off, evading capture and killing any potential captors. She escaped up North in 1698 where she used her new found abilities to make money by opening a Voodoo shop though the name Voodoo was never officially learned until the early 1700's. These first 21 years were the building blocks for her desire to help those who are struggling through mental or physical trauma. She was a healer of sorts to those who came to see her, wishing to spare people of the grief she herself bottled up and stored away deep within her mind. It wasn't until 1720 that she heard of a new shipment of slaves from Haiti arriving in New Orleans from Africa's Western Slave Coast. Though she knew the dangers of returning south after the North had been working with her to help runaway slaves, she did so anyway, using her growing mastery over her abilities to safely make it to New Orleans which she discovered was being built on the backs of slaves and yet they earned no credit for it. Once she arrives in New Orleans, she manages to help free the man who would become her teacher in the voodoo arts. Despite the growing population of slaves in New Orleans, plenty people of color managed to remain free in the then settlement of New Orleans prior to the purchase. The ratio of free to enslaved was about a 40% difference with the larger majority being enslaved still. Deciding to remain in New Orleans, she went on to eventually use her power to help along the process of freeing the slaves of New Orleans. Deciding to remain in New Orleans, she went on to eventually use her power to help along the process of freeing the slaves of New Orleans. For the next several centuries, she honed her craft, giving herself the ability to even slow down her aging process. She watched as the culture of the once slaves began to dominate the culture in New Orleans. Food and music began to fill the streets, infrastructure continued to improve and expand but history would know exactly who was responsible for it. It wasn't the slave owners who thought they could sit back and simply soak in the credit of the work other did. No. The previous slaves added their own touch and history to every brick and slab of cement that was placed. She knew what she needed to do and what she wanted to do. New Orleans became a place she fell in love with. The history, the art, the music, the food. Currently, this is where she resides, unwilling to leave the place that she had placed so much love and attention into. She opened another shop, this one official in its voodoo after the years she spent in the proper training of it. Furthermore, she found a love for the food and recipes found in New Orleans and decided to add her own flavor to the already rich history of food that has entered the walls of New Orleans by opening up a small in and out where she could offer people some food very quickly that they could take with them along their journey.

||HUGE thanks to my good friend @TheMikaelsonClan he’s a bomb writer! If you ever need help with a character he’s the man! ❤

Theme Song:”Ready Or Not”

Face Claim: Angela Basset
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