The God.

Name: Wesley 'Wes' Orion.
Age: 21
Height: 6'3
Weight: 148 IBs
Eye Color: Light Blue.
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Messy, Neck Length
Occupation: Book Teller.
P.O.B: Williston, Vermont
D.O.B March, 9th
Class: Literal God
Sub-Class: L I T E R A L G O D
Short Bio: Wesley Orion was born to the Orion family on the ninth of March. His family was a normal, loving family who always gave Wesley and his older sister Queenie nothing but love and affection. Wesley lived a relatively normal life, getting good grades, being on the tennis team at high school, getting his first girlfriend than his first heart break after she broke up with him.

Everything was normal.. Until one day when he was seventeen years old, he came across a stone. He remembered seeing this exact stone on a history book, called 'The Wishing Stone.' The stone was supposed to grant anyone exactly one wish, with no drawbacks or negative effects..They'd just only get the one. So Wesley being a naive seventeen year old boy who's seen too much superhero movies, wished for any power he could possibly imagine.The stone vanished from his hands and he just thought it disappeared from old age.. being a stupid boy.

That next morning, Wesley missed the bus to school. He started to imagine what it was like to fly so he'd never have to take the bus again and just then.. He began to fly over the ground. This is when he noticed it worked.. The wishing stone work.. He could have any power he could possibly think off.. And like this.. he became a God. But even with super powers, Wesley still lived a relatively normal life. He never really abused his powers and he's living life like anyone else. He has a job at the local book store in his small town and he has his own house living with a Golden Retriever. His powers are just.. Something to add a little bit more flavor to his basic boring life.
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2 | Feb 25th 2021 18:25