Even with it stated at my main page, I feel the need of having a post about my rules. I'll keep it simple so anyone can understand.

◇ My roleplay genre is the modern world. I don't enjoy fantasy roleplays nor any other non-realistic type of setting;

◇ My roleplays are always 18/21+. You know what it means - the plot will lead to some N*FW interactions;

◇ Having the rule above in mind, I don't roleplay lesbian characters, MxF only. I also don't roleplay with furries (Nothing against you who rps a furry, I just don't enjoy the theme);

◇ No one-liners, please;

◇ We chat first, then we roleplay. Don't try interacting with me In Characterly before we have everything set up;

◇ I can take my time to reply you, this site isn't my life, and even if I appear to be online, it can just be open on a tab and I can be minding my own business and be doing other more important stuff. Be mindful of that and respectful!
Heart this
56 | Dec 24th 2020 18:51
DreamDragon don't mind if I just copy this
Shades Pretty easy rules to follow