The Serpent’s SheHound

Name: Dresephonie Knight

Nickname: Dreya (Preferred name) Bitch, Slayer

Birthday: N/A

Age: 100+

Height: 5’4 (Human) 6’2 (Hound)

Weight: 127 lbs (Human) 230lbs (Hound)

Hair Color: Brown (Human) Black fur (Hound)

Eye Color: Brown (Human) Red (Hound)

Species: Hell Hound

Abilities: Immortality, Enhanced strength, Sight, hearing shape shifting, talking to the dead, summoning souls, Elite Hand to hand combat.

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship Status: Single

Loyalty: The Morningstar Family

Allies: Draco Knight (Father), Drax Knight, and Salazar Knight (Uncles)

Verses: Any

Quotes: “Hey man as long as you don’t start scratching at me or humping my leg we’re five by five”

“Sorry about your toy... bitch”

“You think your life sucks? Try killing your mom at the age of fourteen due to Transition and having your period”

“Don’t sneak up behind me you’re liable to be killed”

“Dad! will you chill on me? I’m apart of your team now that means I always have your back, you just watch mine”

“I don’t have time for your bullsh*t today Uncle Drax”

“So Two hell hounds, a demon and a basilisk walk into a bar... How this night goes is gonna determine how the rest of the joke goes”

Backstory: Dresephonie Knight was born to her mother Who was a mortal woman and Draco Knight the hell hound. Draco being well Draco wasn’t in his daughters life as she was a “Oops” baby. So he leaves her mother a mortal woman to raise her. Things were fine and Dreya had a good life until she started her first period at the age of fourteen, causing her to transition killing her mother in the process. Now scared and alone out on the streets, she did everything she could to provide for herself but that was short lived when the news hit hell and Drax caught wind of what happened, I which he instantly informed Draco of his daughters transition and told him to retrieve his daughter. Draco wasted no time to track down his daughter who was out in wondering in the woods as a hound. Draco then explained to Dreya who and what she was as well of what just happened being the man he was he wasn’t going to let his teenage daughter roam the streets so he brought his daughter to hell and raised her there with the help of the Queen, Drax and Salazar. Dreya has lived her entire life in hell although she is part human the hound in her much stronger due to the fact that she was raised in Hells castle. But that never stopped her from being the burning smooth shot of whiskey That she is, Dreya a now full grown adult is over a hundred years old but she doesn’t appear to be no older than 22 years of age. Even though Dreya takes after her mother physically mentally and personality wise she’s all Draco. Like her father she’s a heavy drinker a hard partner and a major flirt, she always appears to be in an upbeat mood as well as the life of the party, though she is also very smart and never the type to turn away from a fight if needed. Dreya is described to be a very attractive woman she stands at five feet four inches tall with shoulder length brown hair and almond brown eyes, she has a few tattoos one being her huge Medusa tattoo that takes up her entire back as well as the word “Rotten” tattooed over her heart. As a hell hound she looks identical to her father, thick black fur huge stature and ruby red eyes the only difference is that she is smaller in side.

Thank you so much to @Glimmer for helping with the backstory! ;)

Theme Song:”Straight out of line” by God Smack

Face Claim: Eliza Dushku
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7 | Nov 17th 2020 22:29