Bad mood

After what happened Julian forbidden him to use his powers to cover his look anymore, he went to talk at school to resolve the matter. He also resolved the matter with the hunter that attacked him.
Now it's time to go to school with his real look and he feels so bad, he feels like naked to go at school that way so he has almost the whole face covered except the eyes.
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1 | Nov 4th 2020 09:17
Straggler She takes her head in hands, only wanting to hit them more right now. She kicks again Roman at his words. "Don't pretend not to know!" She is going to feel very stupid soon.
"Does my shirt look ironed to you?" She couldn't care less either.
She looks at herself, continuing to be edgy and nervous. She wraps her arms around herself, not feeling any different, maybe they didn't manage to touch her skin with bare hands?
"I don't understand what you are talking about. "What should have gotten hard?"
KIWII °She is crazy, what I don't know?° He gets the kick it was unexpected, °Explain if you want us to understand.
Well you always say things in a strange way but I think you are right that is the situation, I dont care about the look at all.
What is covid 19? I certainly haven't it too, I cannot get sick.
Did you escape from a temple? What is wrong with you? You know nothing about men?°
Shin "Then what's the fuss? Can't you just say it? You have plague and now we are infected?" He would never imagine what's on her mind.
"What do you think? My hair? Obviously my dick! And I assure you it's totally dead right now." Girls kill the mood so much!
"That virus killing mundanes. They said it was created in America, gifted to Canada and it eventually got given to China."
Straggler "I don't want to end up pregnant, ever! You had to do this instead..." She could choke for the worry.
"Your dick gets hard? You have a problem?" A future surgery doctor, guys. XD
KIWII °Hey I don't want a plague wear a warning if you are infected.
What kind of virus is? It kills people? How to cure it?
Dont want to end up pregnant? Then don't go with men, it is easy. Men will not fall on you and make you pregnant. If I know enough how it works.°