Bad meeting

Worse way to learn a lesson, when you go too far with the pranks you will get scolded.
He was planning another prank with Techno but something went wrong this time, an hunter understood what was going on and with the only Castle at the academy he made 1+1=2.
At the exit from the dining room at the campus he took them, not sure what of the two was Roman. But he understood immediately when he tried with the silver.
Roman was totally in pain but he remained transformed, they aimed to escape when the hunter was changing weapon. They did it and worrying that Julian would be pissed understanding the situation.
He told Techno to bring him to the first place he thought that would be sure: Devon's house xD.
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2 | Nov 2nd 2020 15:08
Xie "How can I know it is true that you didn't lie about everything else too?" He crosses his arms on his chest.
"I didn't say that our friendship is over! Just anything else." Just his imaginary relationship.
"I just don't understand why you would feel that way even with your best friend, that's all..."

Tomi. "Ja, I'm cooking lentils soup, as a way to say thank you for your hospitality." He didn't even count himself in the portions.
Slyflake He gives Julian a quick glance. Everything about him gives him a bad feeling, his beasty instinct tells him to stay away.
"Really?" He approaches to take a look at the soup. "I like lentis a lot." Only one thing disappoints his werewolf stomach. "Isn't it...too little?"
KIWII Julian.
He likes that people feel awkward near him.

°I told you what I am isn't that a proof? I lied only about one thing. My appearance.
What else? Your trust for me? I will make you regain trust.° he is a little slow.
°The fact is that we always stayed with other people around so I didn't get the occasion. It is not that I didn't want to tell you. I just missed the tight timing.°
Xie "All right, I will believe you about it, then. But you owe me! I expect something in return."
He nods. "Work hard to make me regain trust. I'm a too sensitive type."
He waves his hand. "Fine, fine. You don't have to justify yourself anymore, things are like this and it's ok."

Tomi. "I like them too!" They are perfect for him, since they are so cheap.
"Too little? I thought that I put too much in..."
Slyflake He takes a spoon, he can't help but want to try. "It is so good..." He is not picky at all after transformation. He'd eat anything.
"The fact is that I eat a lot...and other guys remained too, I noticed. Did you sleep well? When do we begin maths lessons?"