Break point.

That same evening, at the Palace, there was a lot of ruckus, as the dead maid was found. Naturally it needs to be known who did such thing and why, it can't just be ignored.
The Imperial Family is summoned and gather in the throne room, while the sangseon question the servants, in case it was another of them to do that.
Consort Wung is among the first to arrive and she immediately tries to blame Jin of it, saying that the maid stayed behind to be questioned by the Prince, while she headed back to her quarters on her own. It was her plan since the beginning and since she was quite close to that maid, who was loyal only to her, Jeonha doesn't really suspect her at first. Almost nobody.

When Jin too arrives, it starts the usual mess where the two get to fight each others. But since he knows what they talked about, unlike most of the others, he totally suspects it was her to kill the maid. "Did she hear something she wasn't supposed to, by any chance?"
"You mean the atrocious lies you tried to use to threaten me? Did you try to convince her to turn against me but failed? Is that why you took her innocent life?"
"I don't need to corrupt a maid, to bring up the truth. I just needs some words. Do you want me to say them?"
"Don't you dare!" she shouts, growling. "Prince! Don't you dare to repeat those lies in front of your abamama!"
"Why, if they are lies, they disturb you so much, Consort Wung?"
"Because they are despicable, just as much as you! Is there anything you wouldn't do to have the throne all for yourself?"
"I should stand still and watch you try to put the son of who knows who on that throne, then?"

General freeze moment. But it gets interrupted by the arrival of the Sangseon. "The 5th Prince is missing, his servants just sent the report!" says Ryuke, panting for the run. "Due to the investigations, the report didn't reach us timely..."
"The guards of the northern gate report that the 5th Prince tried to leave the palace from there. They sent notice he was dirty of blood", adds Norihiko. "And in a state of panic."

Jin looks at Consort Wung, keeping a rather emotionless expression, although enjoying this turn of events. "Will you keep it up, even now? Will you let the 5th Prince take the blame?"
Since the guards never reported the Prince leaving the Palace, everyone is sent to find him, trusting he must be hiding somewhere there.
Heart this
1 | Sep 7th 2020 13:40
QiuWu "But he can't have seen me! So he can't know who I am, just that someone came!" He snorts. "I have trusted you till now, I will continue to, because I have no choice. True Blood are schemers, everyone says!" If there aren't all sort of 'legends' between classes, is it really a shitty society?
"Mollayo, why are other Sacred Blood not lazing like the Empress would, then?"
He blinks. "Is it not that it's the same man as the one I need to marry? Maybe they are brothers." At his age the only man who'd marry him is probably Liao. XD
"Uh... what kind of food do you have here?" He is a little worried about it.
DontCry She takes a look around, expecting his troll face to appear all the sudden on a wall. "He really didn't notice? He didn't see us coming?" She remains thoughtful. "He has a few magical devices at hand, so... one lets him travel anywhere in the universe, another detects knights, another answers whatever he asks..." She is jealous, she'd like to play with those.
"Ne?" She makes a strange and confused expression. "I'd be a schemer?" She doesn't like it, she is so just.
"Because they are not the Empress? They are interested? Don't expect to meet subjects like lord Park here." She expects everyone to know that scum.
"Mollayo. You had to marry Qiu ShiHao or his brother TiHao? I can't exclude they could even take concubines.
Usually we get what we like. I don't know how it works but we don't have to cook, what we want just comes if we do well our job."
QiuWu "How could he see us, if he was not around? He is not omniscient." Considering he will initially mistake him for a god, though...
"How can he have that kind of powers? It's impossible..." There he goes with the suspects.
"Mollayo, it's what people say about True Blood. They are always scheming a way to get into Sacred Blood families." His mother's words.
"Why would I, or anyone else, want to meet Lord Park anywhere? I have only seen him from far and I dislike him like a plague."
He blinks at the names. He never heard, since they aren't in his mother's topics. "Ne, I had to marry... Qiu TiHao too... I would be his concubine."
He rolls his eyes. "Servants make food and let you have it. That's how it is." He is the ultimate expert.
DontCry "Sometimes he is, he might be watching us but we don't even know." She is not so relaxed when she washes in Shiinden...or she is excited, she is still unsure. XD
"I didn't think anything of this could be possible but we are here. You want to see the telescope? We can have access to it if we ask.
Thinking about subjects like my is so. He keeps pestering the Qiu, he wants a rich family, not even an average Sacred Blood.
I said exactly because he is so hateful. No one is that way here...they are amusing or just kind.
Ne?" She blinks, stunned by the revelation. "You are sure of it?
...but there aren't servants here..."
QiuWu He looks around in panic at her first words. "He can seriously see us without us to know? It's so... not right! If I had known earlier I wouldn't have taken my clothes off!"
He raises a brow. "The telescope? Can we use it to see Nortrig too? I mean, does it go far enough to show what people do, for example?"
That way she will make him think that the rumors are true!! "It doesn't surprise me. True Blood are always thirsty for money."
He sighs. "I want to see how kind they really are." He is skeptical.
"Of course there are, you just don't see them because they do it while you aren't around."