TF Twins, Romulus and Remus

Name: Romulus (Rom for short)
Nickname: Lord Hardass
Sex: Mech
Age in human years: 14ish
Height: N/A
Optics: Neon/lime green
Colors: Gold, tan, brown red and white
Beast mode: Utah raptor
Weapons: N/A

Mother: Tyrant
Father: Dinobot
Older siblings (Deceased): Tenno, Suda, Veil, Loka, Perrin, Hexus, Chroma, and Meridian
Older siblings (Living): Garra/Kara
Twin brother: Remus
Younger siblings: Yarasa, Snowstalker, +

Likes: Poetry, history, his parents, being left alone.
Dislikes: Loud noises, Cybertronians, Autobots, Decepitcons, Maximals, Predicons, humans, Remus' bad ideas, Remus' chattering, having to get his brother out of trouble, and just Remus' bullsh*t in general.
Hates: Primes.

Perso: Quiet, clever, a bit of a neat freak, brave, and unfortunately distant.

Name: Remus
Nickname: Giggles
Side: N/A
Sex: Mech
Age in human years: 14ish
Height: N/A
Optics: Bright yellow
Colors: Gold, tan, brown , black, orange and white
Beast mode: Striped hyena
Weapons: N/A

Mother: Tyrant
Father: Dinobot
Older siblings (Deceased): Tenno, Suda, Veil, Loka, Perrin, Hexus, Chroma, and Meridian
Older siblings (Living): Garra/Kara
Twin brother: Romulus
Younger siblings: Yarasa, Snowstalker, +

Likes: Exploring, playing games, playing pranks, playing with human children, chasing his tail,
Dislikes: Decepitcons, Predicons, and his brother's death glare.
Loves: His family and Iris.

Perso: Loud, playful, energetic, messy, not always the most brave but he tries, he can be a smart ass, and has a bad habit of getting himself into trouble

Early life:
Romulus and Remus came as a surprise to their mother when the two hatched from the same egg. Instead of having to care for one, unplanned newborn, Tyrant found herself having to care for two, nearly identical twin. This made it difficult to keep track of them given the only way their mother could tell them apart was by their optic color. The oldest, Romulus, had lime green optics, while his younger brother's were bright yellow.
Over time it got easier to tell them apart. Though they were twins, the two were nothing alike as far as personality went. Romulus took after his old man, where Remus was more like their mother. Or at least the younger, happier version of her before everything in her life went to hell. In other words, older of the two was quiet, cold, stubborn, and unfortunately for his already heartbroken mother, rather distant with his siblings. Remus on the other hand was playful, fun-loving, understanding and kind, and enjoyed being close to family members. Despite being twins, the two were polar opposites.
The differences didn't stop at social behavior. Even their view of their own father differed. Having been raised by a single mother when their old man bit the dust before they were even born, all the twins had of him were stories and a handful of personal belongings that Tyrant had held onto. Romulus looked up to their father and saw him as the fallen hero who died making up for a colossal mistake. Remus however saw things quite differently. Instead of a hero, Remus saw a screw up. To him the story known as Code of Hero told by his mother wasn't about a hero, but a fool that had gotten himself killed after making a selfish choice and leaving Remus and his siblings without a father. This created a sore spot between him and Tyrant, but lucky for Remus, his mother had the rare capabilities of being able to see and understand both her view, and the view of her son.

"All he had to do, was nothing. But he didn't. He didn't choose noting. The whole situation was his own fault! Instead he chose his heritage and that damn disk over his friends and family!"
"He only tried to fix it out of guilt, and it got him killed. It wouldn't have made a difference if you'd told him about us! He still would have chosen himself!"
"Remus, that's not true."
"Don't defend him! He abandoned us!"
-Remus and Tyrant
"All he had to do, was nothing. But he didn't. He didn't choose noting. The whole situation was his own fault! Instead he chose his heritage and that damn disk over his friends and family!"
"He only tried to fix it out of guilt, and it got him killed. It wouldn't have made a difference if you'd told him about us! He still would have chosen himself!"
"Remus, that's not true."
"Don't defend him! He abandoned us!"
-Remus and Tyrant

Later in life:
Romulus followed the rules and stuck to his own code of honor, where Remus bent and broke the rules from time to time. Eventually this caught up to him.
As man kind became more wide spread, Romulus and Remus found that their raptor beast modes they had been born into were no longer options. Remus chose to take on the form of a striped hyena, but Romulus did not. Instead he stuck to his stubborn guns and kept his original, given beast mode in honor of the mech he never knew. This meant he wasn't able to safely leave home without the risk of unwanted attention, but he was fine with this. Romulus wasn't a fan of humans and kept his distance as much as possible. Remus, not so much.
When Remus wondered just a little too far from home, he found himself trapped and captured by a group of me. The leader was a wealthy man know for trapping and selling beasts of all kinds to the Colosseum. Some of the best were kept and sold to the rick and those of noble blood as prized pets. Remus however wasn't one of the best. He WAS the best. His soft fur, clean appearance, and loving nature was what got him where he ended up. The hyena was given to the man's young daughter, Iris, as a gift. When Iris ran in and wrapped her arms around his neck, Remus instantly fell in love with her.
Once Tyrant finally found her son she disguised herself as one of the maids only to discover that her son had taken a liking to life as the prized pet of a young, Roman girl. When he told his mother that he wished to stay by the girl's side until he was no longer wanted, or until she passed away given their significantly shorter life span, Tyrant allowed him to stay. She knew just by the way he spoke of the girl that Remus wanted to spend as much time with his new friend as he possibly could before death forced the two to part ways. It was from then on she kept an eye on both Iris and Remus.
Once Iris was gone he planned on returning home, but until then he didn't mind being kept on a leash and collar. Remus greatly enjoyed sleeping at the foot of her bed every night. Over the years he had even graduated to sleeping under the covers with her. Unlike Romulus who would have died of embarrassment, Remus proudly sat there while Iris brushed and placed flowers in his fur and behind his ears. All was well, until Pompeii.
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0 | Jul 1st 2020 23:22