Plot twist

Zhedong Jichen? Wait this how happened?
Jichen is a 18 years old boy and he worked as prostitute for a while, age isn't a problem after all.
But one day arrived a strange message, he would leave that place and never return there... He was being adopted at 18 y/o? It is not a thing that happens every day but today happened, he thought it was a dream or that maybe during the night he died and that is the heaven.
It is not the Heaven, Meredith Riddle decided to adopt him and with that decision she made him become part of Zhendong family...
It can seem strange but it is thanks to Francis, they met at the brothel and they become friends. Francis couldn't accept to leave him there when he has a dream so he asked the mom to help him.
And the only way was it, Yichuan didn't refuse the matter because Francis seemed to like so much that guy.

So they send a guard to take him from the brothel and made the servants clean him and prepare him to meet them. There they said him it, he would become a Zhendong to follow his dream.
For now this is what they said to him, if there is a real reason he doesn't know it.

Jichen felt uneasy at the beginning, he would become like the brother doing it, the man he hates the most in the world. How can he change his life paying that price?
That thoughts made him fight with Yichuan that have another idea of the matter, because really they gave him a big gift.
It wasn't a big fight, Yichuan didn't change idea about him because strangely he trusts his 5 years old little brother, that said that they are tied in someway. Obviously Yichuan isn't completely convinced but for now he tries to act as if he trusts the brother for a completely absurd thing.

Meredith decided to organize a party to celebrate the new member of the family. The party is tonight and there aren't guards at the door so everyone is welcome.
Heart this
1 | Jan 13th 2020 12:57
KIWII He looks at Top, °Yeah I understand, I felt the same way.
If you can call it lucky, for how I think they will send me back really soon. I also had a fight with that stupid and big-headed son of his daddy. ° he grumbled li es the last part.
°But talk about better things, how are things going at the brothel? Do you miss me?° smirking.

Hating that situation a little, Mako abandoned him, he smiles at Myung words, °A good tolerance of alcohol is good for a man. Oh it would be a pleasure to find the perfect girl for your son. I will ask my mother to look for it.° He will not probably.
Junn "Why put all this effort to even make you a party if they want to send you back? They could have made a trial or something, if they weren't sure, before officially introduce you to the whole brigade." And empties another glass.
As he notices to be in Myung's target, he tries to move a little, to hide in the crowd, but in the end even Hyunki ends up on him. He grabs him by shoulders to not make him fall after the hit. "Watch out..." he mutters.
Fuck... ah, whatever, I'll be the weird and drunkard ancestor - he thinks, not believing there is a way to hide the similarities with his future twin.
"Who really knows, I don't check how are the business there. Maybe I should just become their protector or something like that." Feelin' cute and stuff, could burn someone into ashes later.
"Honestly, of all the people I'm missing, you are not even in the list. No offence."
BOOM Myung nods at Yichuan. "I will look into it too, he is a Sacred Blood husband material, definitely. If the Emperor will have a Princess, I might accept a proposal." That's why HyunKi remained single till 40.

He gives SeungHyun a x.- glance, he is a little confused. "Ye..." He also notices Myung targetting him. "Are you..." Burp. "Her new beloved husband?" She calls everyone that way.
He shuts his eyes, clinging to SeungHyun as he looses balance. "I need to sit..."
KIWII He looks at Top, °The fact is that I am unsure about this matter. I have no value so why do something like this? Just to send me to war?
No worries I don't miss the people there too, also if I hate a little people watching me when I have a shower. Or when I dress up.
Their protector? I never saw you fighting.°
He looks at Hyunki as he approaches like that, °Are you alright?°

He nods at Myung, °Seems fine°
Junn He blinks. "Whose? Myung?! Aniyo, I'm not her husband nor lover or whatever. Don't start to call me appa, eh!" He raises his hands. He is not ready to be a father, he is not precocious like Chen.
He aims to accompany Hyunki to some pillow where to sit, hoping nobody around thinks he is his new uncle-daddy. "Aish, I came here to get drunk and turns out I have to be the babysitter of drunk kids..." He sighs.
"Why, you need to be a noble to be sent to war? Don't they have a first line?" Please, as if nobles really went to war.
"Because there has never been the need to fight?"