
He was working at the brothel when he noticed something strange, a customer that was going with a girl in an unusual place. Usually they didn't leave the brothel at work but they were going out from a secondary door.
The girl didn't seem to like the thing so he decided to approach, he isn't the kind of person who ignores bad people.
He approached the two and stops the man, °Sir I think you are going on the wrong road, or better she is going on the right road. You can go out without of her.°

The man, °You haven't any better thing to do? There are a lot of customers°

°The fact is that I couldn't stand such jerks like you so please go away before I loose my patience°.

The man shoves him a little, °What if I loose my patience?° he grabs the girl's hand to pull her out.

Jichen blocks him and punches him on the face then starts a fight among them.
Heart this
2 | Jan 8th 2020 15:09
Dream "Look at me. The superiority is obvious. I won't insist, you can die as you wish for what I care.
Getting so easily offended, out of nowhere." Nowhere.
"Definitely salty and crunchy. I have to say you don't get this good service everywhere." One more good mark for the brothel.
KIWII He looks at QinShi, °I am strong and break bones will heal as anything else. But you are right, I should be more like you, maybe I would have less problems. If we can say that way.°
He looks at PaOh, °Obviously this is how you see the thing, yeah I am so a strange person who gets offended for nothing. Really strange.° He asks for a glass of sake, this night maybe will end sooner with alcohol.
ShinLin "Weren't you complaining about the lacks of the brothels just two minutes ago, daegam?'
He shakes his head. "You won't have less problems if you are like me, you will have more, you will get hurt and harmed more and nobody will ever even pretend to care, but sometimes you'll find some rare people pitying you so much they'll put up a little act, when they feel like."
He just fries some nuvolette, whatever their international name still is, and brings them to PaOh. And the glass of sake to Jichen, as if he was a waiter.
Dream "You can continue to work here, even as prostitute, dear brother. I will let everyone hit you without reacting too. And we will live happily ever after.
Brothels are never enough for someone like me. I went in every single one in Xhuanghen. I support my people's activities."
When no one is the right approach, with any single character, It is a bit hard <3
KIWII He looks at QinShi, °You are right, everyone has his story and very bad memories but at least are ours.
You shouldn't let people pitying you, no one has the right to feel superior.°
He looks at PaOh, °Maybe this is the only time you will hear me saying it but I agree, you shoud continue to do what you always did for me. Absolutely nothing.° Soz but he is that way... Really litigious.

She is there too and noticed all the scene they are doing, she at the end decides to approach, she looks at the three, °You guys are making such a fuss, men and their stubbornness I will never understand you.°