About him

The second son of Hu family, he was born too early infact he and the brother are almost twins xD.
He and the brother haven't a good relationship and he askes him a favor for just one time and he is still regretting it.
He trained hard to enter in the army but he wasn't taken because at the time he lied on his name. He didn't like to be an Hu. This name never was of any help for him.

Now the brother is returned after a battle, he hoped he wouldn't return this time but he always return... Now he going to drink to forget about all this happenings.
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1 | Jan 5th 2020 09:25
Arran He doesn't know what rape means, he doesn't go that far, but he doesn't want to ask and sound ignorant. He'll find out later. "Your brother is a bit paranoid?"
He makes a weird expression as he calls Liao 'beloved'. Not used to these expression of love between men. XD "You and the General are that close?"
Naturally he feels offended by Keita's next words. "Aniyo, it's an easy name to spell. It's just that usually parents choose two different names." Wait to meet Yang Yang, infant.
"Just Minho..." He sighs.
He nods at Jichen. "My eomeoni is Princess Ki." His father too is an important one.
"I didn't know your brother was like that. Of course he doesn't seem a pleasant person nor a good hyung, now that you said it." Their brothers are starting to scare him...
BAD "Son of the Princess? Aniyo, it is not me even if I look quite royal! Don't I have some Soyou feature?
In the countryside, between cows. I also sleep with them.
Para..parawhat?" Too hard word for a yokel!
"We are not close but it is as if we were! I heard of his great deeds of him and General Khan towards the savages coming to our lands and stealing hens!
It is that it has a deep meaning, so they gave me two."
KIWII He doesn't understand why there is so big problem if your parents gave you a simple name.
He looks at Minho, °You are really lucky, now I understand all that guards.
You shouldn't think about my brother but maybe you know him. He thinks that he is noble so he frequent high people.°
He looks at Keita, °If you are royal I am a princess. Great deeds? I didn't know that generals were able also of great deeds for common people.°
Arran He blinks at Keita's first words. "He was talking about me, I believe..." Now just because he is the son of the Princess he has to assume every time someone speaks about the son of the Princess they are talking about him. LianBi worst person ever.
"You have to sleep with cows because you can't afford a fireplace?" His eyes widen, feeling sorry for how desperate the yokels are.
Awww Liao and Xen are Lega Nord Indeed <3
"If you think I'm lucky, you must not have a clear view."
He doesn't know PaOh, his parents don't let him go to have fun in brothels!!
"You shouldn't speak wrongly of the Generals in the public." Because theirs is not exactly a benevolent government, he risks to regret every word.
BAD "I know many who are like that! It is that YoungYoung by any chance? I hate him and think he is one of that men going with other men! Sick!" He loves to act like a yokel.
"You are definitely feminine for my standards but I know by now you are male! Don't fool me!"
He knew he wasn't talking about him but wanted to say it anyway. XD
"Aniyo, I sleep with cows because they keep warm and their place is the most comfortable.
Who spoke wrongly of them?! I am going to beat you up!!"