The Protector

Name:Behold Oliver Petrova

Nickname:"Pretty Boy, Doe eyes, Angel face

Preferred Name:Behold, or Olie


Birthday:December 1, 1997



Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationship Status: Reserved for @EverlastingTales

Species: Angel

Powers: Angelic Possession, Astral Projection, Dream Walking, Electromagnetic Interference, Immortality, Flight, Durability, Localization, invulnerability, Limited Cosmic Awareness, Multilingualism, Protective Charm, Pyrokinesis, Regeneration, Reality Warping, Sedation, Super Stamina, Smiting, Super Strength, Super Senses, Supernatural Perception, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Terrakinesis, Temporal Awareness, Voice Mimicy, Lie Detecting.

Occupation:College Student/Angelic Guide in training.


Lucius "William" Morningstar-Father
Blisstina Petrova -Mother
Blossom Petrova-Aunt
Bella Petrova-Cousin

Backstory:Behold Oliver Petrova was born to Blisstina Petrova and Lucius Morningstar. Although Behold is Blisstina's son he raised by Blossom soon after his birth due to his mother being unable to keep him in heaven, he is fully aware of who is mother is and he loves her without a doubt in his heart. Growing up he always looked up to his aunt Blossom and loved her much like a mother and became extremely protective of his cousin Bella who He's only a year older than but he sees her as the light of his life seeing that Bella is the one person he feels that he can trust and confide in when he needs a piece of mind. Behold is Pansexual although he doesn't really know it yet, he has dated girls and has even slept with a few and although he says it was "Good" he still wasn't sure what he was happy with until he dated both genders. Not much was said about Behold's father other than that he was a hunter who died battling a rogue angel. As years go by , Behold finds out the truth that his father wasn't human or a hunter but is no other than Lucius Morningstar. He and Blisstina had a secret relationship that lasted centuries but ended when Blisstina found out she was pregnant and didn't want her childs life in danger. Behold is currently residing in Mystic Falls where he lives with his Aunt and Cousin but as of right now he's off to College where his majoring in knowledge of Supernatural Artefacts and he is Captain of the Football team.

Quotes:"What's up, I'm Behold.. Yes you heard right.. Be-Hold don't judge me"

"What the?!... Bella! Noooo Bells you can do better than that.. Your boyfriend looks like the dude that plays Theo Raekin!"

"Uhh who in the hell are you? And What are you doing sniffing my underwear?,

"Yeah yeah yeah! You may have came in peace but you're about to leave in Pieces!"

"They call me Teenage Tom Brady"

"AHT AHT AHT! Leave room for Jesus!"

"You thing he's gone crazy Now? Oh wait until I see him, Imma rip his damn wings off and hand them to him!.. Lucifer's son.. Trying to... Ooo I swear if he gets her Pregnant I'm going to Prison!"

"Hey! I know I'm not the most holy angel there is, I mean look at who my father is, but I'm certainly of the lord and you're my charge which means I'm responsible for you... Don't do anything human"

Theme Song:N/A (Right now)

Face Claim: Leo Howard

Gif made by @a_little_reckless
Heart this
14 | Jan 2nd 2020 23:02
SxrpentQueen Thank you!
SxrpentQueen He’s a lover I tell you that much <3