1. Length - My starters generally consist of a paragraph or two, or more. If I want to type multiple paragraphs, then I am going to do it! Some replies take multiple paragraphs to do it justice, to do it just right. If you are too lazy to read, then why the hell are you on a text-based RP site that is literally 100 PERCENT READING?!

2. No sexism - If you are one of those who won't add, talk to, or RP, with someone of a specific gender, do not bother me.

3. Be open minded - I introduce a wide variety of characters into my stories, of both male and female, different orientations, different backgrounds, and such. You don't have to accept such things but at least be tolerant.

4. Actions - Actions of the characters are of their own and does not necessarily reflect the beliefs of the admin.

5. Perspectives - I RP in first person, you can use any perspective you want but I'm not changing, don't bother asking.

6. Patience - I have multiple accounts, a big family, and bad health (Chrones). Please be patient, I will reply as soon as I can.

7. The Green Icon - You know the Green Icon that tells when someone is online? Just cause mine is Green does not mean I'm online. I tend to be logged in on my phone and forget i am.

8. Communication - If I add you, I'll send the first message, if you add me, I expect you to reach out first. I will give one week, before asking you if you are ok. After another week of silence, if you don't reply than you will be deleted, I refuse to be a number. (Unless you give a reason for your silence.)

9. Starters - If you ask me to do a starter, and odds are I will offer to do the starter, if there is something you don't like about it, or about the message/RP Reply in general, TELL ME, DO NOT BLOCK ME, TALK TO ME. Nobody likes a D*ck, don't be a D*ck!

Thank you for reading, please Heart this If you have read this.
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17 | Oct 6th 2019 19:28