Angel Milkovich (Shameless US)

Name: Angel Milkovich
Age: 17
sex: male (bottom/sub, gay)
Height: 5’ 6”, skinny but slightly toned, built sort of like an alley cat, slinky and hunched
skin: pale, light freckles on his nose in the summer
eyes: dark blue, serious and bitter, they look tired with dark circles under them, has a scar through his left brow
hair: brown, dyed darker than it is, short, messy, sticks up in some places, he doesnt really try to make it lay flat
Personality: hot temper, loyal, quiet unless spoken to, resourceful, paranoid, good chance he has borderline personality disorder, despite his tough exterior, deep down he really just wants to be taken care of both emotionally and physically, doesnt like being touched unless its a close friend, has a crooked smile that looks mischievous
Habits: carries a tactical knife in his back pocket (mostly for looks but wouldnt hesitate to use it to defend himself), has a small backpack on most of the time with something to drink (whether it be alcohol or water), a mostly empty wallet, cigarettes/lighter and sometimes something to eat
Clothes: either a tshirt or wife beater tank under a black oversized zip up hoodie, usually zipped up half way. Old black torn jeans and very worn combat boots he found. Can usually be seen with a cigarette in his mouth or behind his ear
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2 | Apr 27th 2019 21:34