Transformers Female OCs

Name: Truth
Nickname: Trued, Trudy, True, Rue (All given to her by Ratchet)
Side: Autobots
Sex: Femme
Age: Older than Optimus, younger than Megatron
Adult height: 22.7 feet
Optics: Neon/lime green
Colors: Black, orange, wine red, blood red, yellow, and silver.
Alt form: Jeep gladiator
Weapons: Sniper, katana, explosives

Mother: Iyika
Father: N/A
Uncle: Ratchet
Siblings: Unnamed older sisters and brother
Older femme triplet: Val (Valiant)
Younger mech triplet: Honor
Crush: Orion Pax

Likes: Music, dancing, colors, pranks, building, wrestling, acrobatics, racing
Dislikes: Ratchet's nagging

Perso: Playful, adventurous, brave, independent though she still works well in a tight knit team,

Bio: Truth is the second triplet and the only one of the three to have a bad habit of leaving graffiti all over the city. With her mother out of the picture after an accident and her older siblings busy with who knew what, Ratchet was left juggling the three with Truth being without a doubt the biggest pain in the aft. Though in all honesty Truth never meant any harm.
As she got older, poor Truth continued to stick out like a sore thumb. Other femmes found her odd, and the mechs tended to flock to Valiant instead of her. Orion, being the only mech to pay her any mind, instantly became a subject of interest to her. It didn't take long for her to develop feelings for him, but sadly he never showed any signs of feeling the same.
At some point in time poor Truth came to the conclusion that she was better off on her own and only spent time with the other two triplets. Shy and uncomfortable, Truth even began avoiding Orion. She isolated herself from most, and only interacted with other bots when it came to fighting. Like Megatronus, Truth had become a gladiator. To her surprise this earned her the respect of several mechs, one of which being Megatronus himself. His attention slowly but surely resulted in Truth falling for him, and hard. However, Orion was still her first choice. In an attempt to make Orion jealous, Truth began hanging around Megatronus more and more. This didn't sit well with Ratchet, and in his own attempts to straighten her out, things backfired and instead he wound up only pushed her away.
During the war, the triplets worked as a three bot army and quickly earned a name for themselves. It wasn't until Honor was shot and offlined that scrap hit the fan. Truth blamed herself, while Val blamed Honor's death on his own mistake on the field. Broken and butting heads, the two remaining sisters were placed with Optimus's team. The bond between Val and Truth was not only rebuilt, but strengthened during their time with their new team. Sadly just as things seemed to be looking up, both femmes disappeared on the field after playing the role of decoys to distract the enemy; vanishing without a trace and never heard from again.
After further investigation, Val was discovered with a pike through her chest and another in her side after having been taken prisoner. As for Truth, all that could be recovered was her badly damaged sniper rifle in a pool of energon.

Status: Deceased

Name: Trinity Prime
Nickname: Trin (Given to her by Optimus and Bee and ONLY called this when they're alone.)
Side: Autobots
Sex: Femme
Age: Older than Optimus, younger than Megatron
Height: 27.6 feet
Optics: N/A
Colors: Black, orange, wine red, blood red, and silver, gold, navy blue, hot pink
Alt form: N/A
Weapons: Axe, claymore, bladed whip, sawed off shotgun

Perso: Quiet, independent, wise, makes a lot of jokes for a prime

Bio: Not much about Trinity is know other than the fact that she was one of, if not the ONLY female prime other than Solus. She disappeared just as quickly as she appeared. Supposedly she was last seen taking on not only Shockwave, but several other cons completely by herself. It's believed that despite being drastically outnumbered and out gunned, Trinity actually fought until the very end and almost won.

Status: Deceased

Name: Tyrant
Nickname: Tye, Tip-toes, Catnip
Side: It's questionable
Sex: Femme
Age: Around Optimus's age
Height: N/A
Height on all fours: 13 feet (though she make herself smaller to match the size of one of Earth's tigers)
Optics: Neon/lime green
Colors: Black, orange, purple, and silver.
Alt form (beast mode): Tiger/sabretooth
Weapons: Tail whip, claws, fang daggers

Mother: N/A
Father: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Sparkmate: N/A and deceased
Sparklings: N/A

Likes: Music, dancing, art, sleeping, learning new things, being outside, nature, kids, p!ssing off Ratchet,
Dislikes: Having someone hawking over her shoulder, cocky mechs, too many questions, people going through her things.

Perso: Smart ass/wise ass, independent, extremely protective, highly aggressive, (In conclusion, kind of a b!tch)

Bio: Tyrant will answer whatever questions you have about her, but if you want to know about the others like her than you're out of luck. She doesn't trust anyone from Cybertron, and for a good reason. Her history with her kind isn't the best, and after a rather unpleasant incident in a lab things only got worse. Thanks to Shockwave and an experiment with an organic organism, Tyrant in now semi-organic. Because of this most see her as an abomination and treat her as if she's diseased.

Status: Too stubborn to die.

Name: Tyranus Lotus
Nickname: The Quiet Queen (by Starscream), Flower (by Megatron), Lotus blossom (by Knockout)
Side: Decepticons
Sex: Femme
Age: Slightly younger than Megatron
Height: 27.4 feet
Optics: Red
Colors: Black, white, hot pink, teal, purple, and silver
Alt form: N/A
Weapons: Spear, tessen war fan, katana

Mother: N/A
Father: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Sparkmate: Megatron
Sparklings: N/A

Likes: Knockout, being alone, watching Starscream get ripped a new one.
Dislikes: Her spouse
Hates: Starsceam, being blackmailed

Perso: Quiet, independent, wise, shy

Bio: She may be weaker and smaller than her husband, but Lotus isn't afraid to stand up to Megatron as long as it doesn't run the risk of resulting in another being harmed. She's done plenty of things she isn't proud of for both the sake of loved ones AND to keep up the appearance that she has some sort of control. In reality however, poor Lotus has no control at all, but that's to be expected when in an abusive relationship. She may act like any other Con when Autobot optics are watching, but she's actually a very kind soul that has been trapped on the wrong side of the war.
Lotus did at one point have feelings for her husband, but that was before she knew just how cruel he was. She was tricked by empty promises of a better life and false praise. Out of all of Megatron's sugar laced words, the only ones that were true was when he told her that she was beautiful. In reality he only wanted her for what she had, and once he had her, he took it all.
Tyranus Lotus was kept in the shadows during the war, so when she disappeared very few even knew of it. It wasn't until the Decepticons arrived on Earth that Megatron found his long lost wife. Not long after he got her back did Megatron lose her again, but is wasn't because
she simply ran off. The sign of a struggle made that perfectly clear.

Status: Missing
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