Brooke Luna Ryder

Name: Brooke Ryder

Age: 21 (Can be negotiated but won't go under 16)

Appearance: Look in album

Background: Based on the rp and usually covered in the first few posts or the starter

Personality: Depends on what the rp calls for, but a constant is her high level of empathy and loyalty to the people she cares for

Powers: Controlling the elements (fire, water, nature, and air) & partially or completely shapeshift into any animal she chooses. If she only partially changes then she gets the ears, tail, and sometimes the teeth of the animal along with the higher senses and agility of the animal. However, her elemental skills are less strong. If she completely changes then it takes more energy which makes it harder to hold the form, but it actually makes her elemental powers stronger while in that form. She usually only uses this form in emergencies since she usually loses enough power to make her pass out after her body is unable to hold the form any longer
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13 | Oct 20th 2018 20:19